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The Principles Of Design P.A.R.C.. Why do we need the principles? They bring order and organization They make it attractive. They make it interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "The Principles Of Design P.A.R.C.. Why do we need the principles? They bring order and organization They make it attractive. They make it interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Principles Of Design P.A.R.C.

2 Why do we need the principles? They bring order and organization They make it attractive. They make it interesting They make it more effective

3 The 4 Principles Proximity Alignment Repetition Contrast


5 Proximity New designers often have words and graphics all over their page. This is because of a fear of empty space.

6 Proximity Proximity is how close together objects on your page are.

7 Proximity Group related items together:  What can you assume about the flowers in the list on the left?  What do you assume from the list on the right? My Flowers Marigold Pansy Rue Woodbine Daisy Cowslip Carnation Primrose Violets Pink My Flowers Marigold Pansy Rue Woodbine Daisy Cowslip Carnation Primrose Violets Pink We assume these flowers all have something in common We assume the last 4 flowers are special in some way

8 Proximity Remember that physical closeness implies a relationship. Group like things!!!!!! The rules for proximity cover text and images alike.

9 Proximity Assignment 1 Create a business card for yourself using word. What to include:  Name of your business or company Make it up Be creative  Your full name First, middle and last (Only 3 names are necessary)  Your full business phone number Area code in brackets (902) You can make the number up  The address of your business Make it up Street number Street Name City Province Your card must be 3.5 x 2 inches


11 Alignment Do not randomly place objects!!!!!! Try to align objects along a margin or with each other. This creates order, and is more efficient for your target audience.

12 Alignment The purpose of alignment is to:  create order  organize page elements  group items  create visual connections

13 Aligning Text This example shows the ways text can be aligned.

14 Centering Text Centering your text this way gives centering a bad name. The type is cramped, and there is little to no breathing space around the page. Centering your text this way gives centering a good name. The type is open, and there is some breathing space around the page.

15 Other types of alignment Note that the text is somewhat aligned with the curvature of the earth.


17 Repetition Repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire piece. Elements that you can repeat include:  Bold Font  Lines  Certain Bullet  Colour or highlight  Your format


19 Contrast Creating a noticeable difference between elements on your page. You can contrast the following:  Large type with smaller type  Old fonts with modern fonts  Thin lines and thick lines  Cool colours and warm colours  Line spaces  Graphics

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