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Seminar. Thesis Introduction to government Democracy in LOTF Pros of Democracy Cons of Democracy Fascism in LOTF Cons of Fascism Pros of Fascism Debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar. Thesis Introduction to government Democracy in LOTF Pros of Democracy Cons of Democracy Fascism in LOTF Cons of Fascism Pros of Fascism Debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar

2 Thesis Introduction to government Democracy in LOTF Pros of Democracy Cons of Democracy Fascism in LOTF Cons of Fascism Pros of Fascism Debate Questions Conclusion

3 In Lord of the Flies, Ralph’s government, representing a democracy, was more successful than Jack’s representation of fascism or totalitarianism. This was because Ralph let the boys have an opinion on the island and he was more sensible and orderly in his leadership. Jack on the other hand was assertive and had an complete disregard for others, along with their needs. Ralph provided for the stranded children’s needs where Jack supports the less important wants.

4 The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and public order.  “And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. We’ll have to have ‘Hands Up’ like at school.”(.31 Golding) Laws are created to better the nation and maintain order. Governments vary on the political spectrum and are found all around the world in different situations.

5 After first arrival on the island, through a democratic election, Ralph is voted by majority of the boys as chief over Jack The conch: allowed the boys the right to express their opinions; whoever had the conch got to speak during group meetings There were meetings held when decisions had to be made so that they could be made–this is how the parliament and senate make decisions Ralph’s government had plans for how to sustain the needs of every person-it is how a democratic government functions; with a plan to fulfill necessities for the whole public Ralph’s democratic group had laws and rules that everyone had to follow and this maintained order and peace on the island

6 Democracy was the most effective form of government in the LOTF, because: The boys conducted meetings to discuss the issues on the island and this way all the problems were dealt with in an orderly manner and without any violence A democracy allowed the boys to express all their opinions which in turn allowed different ideas to come forward and help solve any issues -all the boys were equal along with their speech Ralph’s democracy laws and rules assisted with keep the boys civilized and to deter them from savagery Because of the responsibilities everyone had to fulfill, the fire was kept going so that smoke could be made and the hope of being rescued was alive and the boys remained as civilized as possible ex. they made huts for shelter

7 The minority is not pleased; Jack felt belittled by Ralph’s democracy Minority’s voice is not heard: the littleun’s fears are not addressed Majority has power to over throw all others: Ralph’s laws hinder Jacks desires to embark on his hunts Lack of obedience to laws: responsibilities are neglected due to lack of reinforcement Incoherence between law makers and citizens, Jack breaks the tribe into two newly formed governments

8 When the boys first landed, Jack automatically presumed he would be leader because he was in charge of the choir boys. Later on in the book, Jack eventually takes control over most of the boys and what he says, goes. Jack has turned them into savages disregarding the lives of others. Eg: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler, Ikki Kita, Benito Mussolini, Giovanni Gentile, Ante avelić, Konstantin Rodzaevsky, & Plínio Salgado

9 Usually a dictatorship, control is centralized. There are less conflicts within government The whole body of the society acts as one unit rather than multiple units. Goals can be met more efficiently and expediently, but usually at the cost of standards of living, comfort, or at the expense of other people. The politicians believe that their decisions are always correct without criticism from others.

10 “A [government] with utterly complete control.” An absolute authority with far-sweeping powers and control of most major aspects of daily life, common issues are tended to more rapidly Everybody is equal in all matters, socially, economically, etc. Every person is employed which contributes to a stronger economy Unity and cohesion lead to less violence and a lower crime rate

11 Democracy/ SanityAn immediate solution to needs and dilemmaWant for needs to be fulfilledFascism/ Savagery Question 1: Is democracy the only type of government which would work in this situation? Question 2: Why might nations, represented by Jack’s fascism, choose fascism as their form of government? Question 3: Is democracy the only “cure” for savagery?

12 Democracy thrived throughout LOTF as Ralph introduces order to the marooned boys Jack’s fascism deteriorates as the boys under his leadership indulge in their primal instincts but eventual feel mistreated Democracy has proven to satisfy the majority of the developed world while fascism is commonly found in second and third world countries


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