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Local Economic and Community Plans – A Regional Assembly perspective Malachy Bradley Assistant Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Economic and Community Plans – A Regional Assembly perspective Malachy Bradley Assistant Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Economic and Community Plans – A Regional Assembly perspective Malachy Bradley Assistant Director

2 Content  Legislative background  What is an LECP  Statutory functions of Regional Assemblies  Progress by Regional Assemblies to date  Working with Local Authorities  Issues during process  What next

3 Putting People First Action Programme for Effective Local Government 2012  Local Government - Doing More for the Economy, Enterprise and the Local Community  Role in linking local economic development with regional and national planning – LECPs  Stronger Regional role in economic development – Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies  Role in coordination of local authorities at Regional scale

4 Local Government Reform Act 2014  Amends Local Government Act 2001  Statutory requirement for LECP is a central component of local authority role in economic development  Section 66B of 2001 LG Act (amended); “Each local authority shall make a 6 year local economic and community plan for the promotion of economic development in its functional area, and the promotion of local and community development in its functional area.”

5 What is an LECP  Implement commitments under “Putting People First” to promote “well-being and quality of life of citizens and communities”  Set out objectives and actions needed to support and promote economic and community development  Economic development and local and community development are mutually supportive  LECP’s to be developed under;  Advisory Steering Group  SPC for Economic Development  Local Community Development Committee  Other sectoral interests

6 What is an LECP LECPs to align with various plans such as;  Europe 2020  National Reform Programme  National Action Plan for Jobs  Action Plan for Social Inclusion  Regional Action Plan for Jobs  Regional Planning Guidelines  CEDRA report  Cross border plans  County Development Plan  Local Development Strategy Local Strategic Framework for:  LEADER  SICAP

7 LECP structure

8 Statutory functions of the Regional Assemblies  Section 66 C of 2001 Act the consideration of an LECP by a Regional Assembly shall relate to its consistency – With the core strategy and the objectives of the development plan of the local authority concerned, With any regional spatial and economic strategy or, as appropriate, regional planning guidelines that may apply, and Between the economic and community elements of the Plan.  Circulars and Guidance Notes expands Regional Assemblies role to assist in development of LECPs and play a significant monitoring role

9 Progress to date by Regional Assemblies  Engaged with all Local Authority Stakeholders  Liaised with DECLG on process  Provided shared services and advice  Engaged with Regional Action Plan for Jobs processes  Agreed process with Local Authorities  Issued comments to Local Authorities on Statements and High Level Goals and Draft LECP’s  Issued formal statement on consistency

10 Working with Local Authorities  Engaged with chief officers and other LA staff  Sought consistency and commonality with Local Authorities on:  Information sharing  Baseline data  Consultation process  Preparation process  Provided comments on SES and High Level Goals  Provided comments on Draft LECPs during formulation

11 Issues during process  Contrasting sources, baseline data and SWOT analysis  Thread from SES-HLGs-Objectives-Actions  Difference between HLGs Objectives and Actions  Consistency between individual LECPs and regionally  Evolving guidance informing the structure and development of LECPs  Engagement and commitment of stakeholders to process and implementation  Implementation of Actions  Measurable monitoring of LECPs, are objectives being achieved

12 What next for Regional Assemblies  Continue coordination of Local Authorities  Prepare and adopt statement on Draft LECPs  Continue comments and consultations with Local Authorities  Define monitoring role in LECPs  Identify regional collaborative actions as part of RSES process  Assist in pursuit of funding proposals  Establish structure for LECPs to inform RSES  Review process to inform next iteration of LECPs

13 Thank you Malachy Bradley Assistant Director

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