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The Camera Eye The Camera EyeThe Camera Eye Linda Dextre’ LMS 2009.

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1 The Camera Eye The Camera EyeThe Camera Eye Linda Dextre’ LMS 2009

2 The First Camera The Camera Obscura means "dark chamber" The first camera was a darkened room with a single small opening. Light coming through the opening projected an inverted image of a brightly lit exterior object onto the opposite wall. World Book, 2011

3 The First Camera The ancients used the camera obscura to view eclipses; later it was useful to artists for tracing reflected images.

4 The First Camera By the 19th century, lenses and mirrors had been added to correct the inversion and to project the image onto paper, where it could be easily traced. In 1826, J. N. Niepce used a camera obscura to project an image onto light- sensitive paper, creating in effect the first photographic camera.Niepce

5 How a Camera Works All cameras work on the same principle. A camera is a chamber sealed to keep out unwanted light. In fact, the word camera comes from a Latin term meaning chamber.

6 Lens When you take a photo or “exposure”, light from the scene being photographed enters the camera, usually through a lens. The eye lens focuses by thickening or thinning.

7 Lens The lens contains one or more curved pieces of glass or plastic that bends and focuses the light onto the film or image sensor. The human eye also has a lens that focuses and inverts the image onto the retina.

8 Aperture The aperture of the camera lens works like the iris of the eye – it opens and closes to allow more or less light in.

9 Pupil The pupil is the opening in the iris which allows light to enter the eye. It is the same function as a camera lens opening.

10 Retina The lens projects an inverted (upside-down) image of the scene onto the film or sensor. The eye’s retina also records the inverted image from the lens.

11 Cones and Rods Cones are color sensitive and absorb strong light Rods are black and white sensitive and absorb softer light.

12 Anatomy of the Eye

13 Eyes and Light Human eyes are sensitive to a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes the visible colors -- from the longest visible wavelengths of light (red) to the shortest wavelengths (blue). Human eyes

14 How Film Works Film is layered with an emulsion, composed of gelatin within which tiny particles of light- sensitive salts have been suspended. The salts used are usually silver halides, such as silver iodide.halides

15 How Film Works The halides, which are sensitive to light, turn dark when light strikes it. The more light, the darker it gets. Take a look at the negative film at your table to see where the most light struck the film.

16 In the developing lab, the film is chemically processed. It disables the light sensitivity, so that it can be handled in the light. The result is a photographic negative. When light is shone through the negative onto light- sensitive paper, it produces a normal or positive image. Creating a Positive Photographic Image

17 Now Take a LOOK Take a moment to look at the photo equipment. Locate: – lens – Aperture – shutter – film area

18 Optical Illusion Fun! At your table, gather around the ipad. Take turns using the ipad’s Color Uncovered app. Which did you find most interesting? Why? Jot down your answer on a sticky note and place it in the exit bin.

19 List of Resources Sobieszek, Robert A. "Camera obscura." World Book Student. World Book, 2011. Web. 3 Jan. 2011. "camera obscura." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2009. Grolier Online. 26 Sep. 2009. Adventures in Cybersound; Camera Obscura : Aristotle to Zahn.

20 Photo Credits on9/images/eye_72.gif on9/images/eye_72.gif Linda Dextre – Lalito and Light 2009 MS Office Clipart

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