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NEW VIRTUA VOORHEES HOSPITAL Voorhees, NJ Paul Stewart Structural Option Senior Thesis Presentation 2010 The Pennsylvania State University.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW VIRTUA VOORHEES HOSPITAL Voorhees, NJ Paul Stewart Structural Option Senior Thesis Presentation 2010 The Pennsylvania State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW VIRTUA VOORHEES HOSPITAL Voorhees, NJ Paul Stewart Structural Option Senior Thesis Presentation 2010 The Pennsylvania State University

2 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Redesign of Lateral System Breadth Study Conclusion BUILDING LOCATION Virtua Hospital

3 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion BUILDING DATA

4 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System  Gravity System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion EXISTING STRUCTURAL SYSTEM

5 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System  Gravity System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion EXISTING STRUCTURAL SYSTEM Foundations - Geopiers

6 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System  Lateral System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion EXISTING STRUCTURAL SYSTEM Moment FramesBraced Frames

7 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion RELOCATION OF HELIPAD

8 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion REDESIGN OF LATERAL SYSTEM

9 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Location Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion HELIPAD REQUIREMENTS

10 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Location Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion LOCATION OF HELIPAD

11 Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE HELIPAD SLAB DESIGN Reinforcement In Slab Sections Section ASection BSection CSection D Column Strip(4) #5(8) #5(6) #5(11) #5 Middle Strip(4) #5 (6) #5 Flexural Beam(4) #8(9) #8(3) #8(5) #8 Shear BeamN/A(2) #4 @ 8”N/A(2) #4 @8”

12 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion HELIPAD SLAB DESIGN

13 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN

14 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN TRANSFER GIRDER

15 NEW COLUMN Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN

16 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN COLUMN SIZES LocationLevelOld SizeNew Size Corner Columns Perimeter Columns 7 – RoofW14x61W14x68 5 – 7W14x74W14x90 4 – 5W14x74W14x90 2 – 4W14x74W14x90 Ground – 2W14x90W14x109

17 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN COLUMN SIZES LocationLevelOld SizeNew Size Center Columns7 – RoofW14x61W14x109 5 – 7W14x90W14x145 4 – 5N/AW14x145 2 – 4N/AW14x176 Ground – 2N/AW14x233

18 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad  Helipad Design Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion GRAVITY COLUMN REDESIGN COLUMN SIZES LocationLevelOld SizeNew Size End Column7 – RoofW14x61W14x90 5 – 7W14x90W14x132 4 – 5N/AW14x132 2 – 4N/AW14x145 Ground – 2N/AW14x193

19 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study  Acoustical Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion ACOUSTICAL dB’s Recorded in Patient’s Room Type of MaterialdB’s in Room ¼” Glass47.3 ¼” Laminated Glass and 3 / 16 ” Glass with a 2” Airspace34.3 ¼” Laminated Glass and 3 / 16 ” Glass with a 4” Airspace30.3 (2) ¼” Laminated Glass with ½” Airspace38.3 Example Sound Levels Type of SoundsdB’s Helicopter105 Average Office Noise50 Quiet Conversation40 Quiet Office30 Quiet Living Room20

20 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Lateral Loads Conclusion LATERAL LOADS SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA Site ClassD Seismic Design Category C Occupancy CategoryIV Type of Lateral System Ordinary Steel Concentrically Braced Frames LATERAL BASE SHEARS North – South Direction East – West Direction Old Seismic Loads 1539.6 kips1319.8 kips New Seismic Loads 1314.1 kips Wind Loads 1357.9 kips1376.8 kips Controlling Load Wind

21 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  RAM Model Conclusion RAM MODEL Applied Lateral Load Cases: Seismic Wind Case 1 – 4 Applied Load Combinations: 1.4D 1.2D + 1.6L +.5(Lr or S) 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S) + (L or 0.8W) 1.2D + 1.6W + L + 0.5(Lr or S) 1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S 0.9D + 1.6W 0.9D + 1.0E

22 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Braced Frame Design Conclusion LOCATION OF BRACES

23 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Braced Frame Design Conclusion TYPICAL BRACES

24 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Braced Frame Design Conclusion INTERACTION WITH THE ARCHITECTURE Braces do not interfere with rooms or hallways Braces are visible at the interior courtyards

25 Δ Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Lateral Calculations Conclusion DRIFT Max Wind DriftMax Seismic Drift Δ North – South: Δ = 2.33” H/400 = 4.2” East – West: Δ = 1.31” H/400 = 4.2” Δ Δ North – South: Δ = 2.93” 0.010*H = 16.8” East – West: Δ = 4.16” 0.010*H = 16.8” Δ = Cd * δ I Existing North – South: Δ = 0.83” Existing East – West: Δ = 0.13” Existing North – South: Δ = 0.25” Existing East – West: Δ = 0.35” Δ = Cd * δ I

26 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System  Lateral Calculations Conclusion CENTER OF MASS/RIGIDITY Differences in Center of Mass and Center of Rigidity LevelExisting N-SNew N-SExisting E-WNew E-W 910.4’27’3.1’2.2’ 84.368.6’0.6’1.6’ 720.6’3.9’0.5’1.6’ 64.6’20.6’0.2’2.2’ 560.0’7.9’18.8’15.0’ 451.3’11.1’25.9’22.8’ 321.2’2.3’23.7’28.1’ 225’1.5’14.9’25.4’ 11.2’11.3’30.0’47.8’

27 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion CONCLUSIONS Helipad will be located in Zone 5 The Pad will be designed as a two – way slab New columns will be introduced along column line Ma The façade of the building will be changed Lateral system will eliminate of moment frames Braced frames will not interfere with the architecture Drift values will be larger, but still acceptable Differences in COM and COR are generally the same

28 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to the following people for their help throughout the year: Virtua Health Turner Company Penn State Architectural Engineering Faculty and Students Family and Friends

29 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Existing Structural System Proposal Design of Helipad Breadth Study Redesign of Lateral System Conclusion QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Questions?

30 Paul Stewart4/12/2010Structural Option PRESENTATION OUTLINE FOUNDATION REDESIGN

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