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Tai Chi. History Originated in China Founder is either Chang San-Feng or Chen Wang-Ting Originally was kept a secret Tai mean big or great Chi means ultimate.

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Presentation on theme: "Tai Chi. History Originated in China Founder is either Chang San-Feng or Chen Wang-Ting Originally was kept a secret Tai mean big or great Chi means ultimate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tai Chi

2 History Originated in China Founder is either Chang San-Feng or Chen Wang-Ting Originally was kept a secret Tai mean big or great Chi means ultimate energy or great system Tia-Chi is generating energy through movment


4 What is Tai Chi Internal energy Harmonize mind, body and spirit Well being through relaxation Rhythmical, effortless and in continuous flow when done correctly Suitable for all ages and sexes Improves balance, flexibility and posture

5 Tai Chi Benefits Reduce anxiety Improve lung function Calms nervous system Enhances internal organ functions Internal strength through proper breathing Strengthen immune system Body Systems  Muscular and Skeletal  Respiratory and Circulatory  Digestive and Excretory  Mental and Nervous

6 Tai Chi Chuan Professor of Taoism about 2000 years ago Relaxing gymnastics used as personal defense Remain calm and the body works through flexible, coordinated movements Energy is at the top of the head Chi comes from the dan-tien which is three fingers below the naval Power by intent not strength Upper and lower body moves as one Spirit and physical body combine as one Movements are continuous and smooth Silk reeling energy

7 Tai Chi as Self-Defense Evolved from Qi-gong Each movement has a logical combat application Internals must move simultaneously to achieve power Power is effortlessness and tremendous Size, strength and speed can be equal regardless of sex

8 Modern Tai Chi Can be found anywhere Can be done in confined areas Suitable for all ages Maximum benefits if done regularly Corporate wellness program

9 How does Tai Chi work? Calming and meditative effect for reducing stress and anxiety General well-being Increase muscle strength Enhance balance and flexibility Exploit the Yin (earth) and the Yang (heavens) for a balance and harmonious form

10 Health Benefits of Tai Chi Blood Pressure Hypertension Heart Musculature Posture Breathing Lymphatic System Balance

11 Medical Conditions that Tai Chi can Help Mobility and Balance problems Diabetes Parkinson’s disease Asthma Post Traumatic Stress Strokes


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