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English Presentation The Body By Kuei-Min Huang, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "English Presentation The Body By Kuei-Min Huang, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Presentation The Body By Kuei-Min Huang, PhD

2 Today’s Outline Perform your Introduction The Body 1. What is the Body? 2. How to use Evidence in the body? 3. Using Evidence in the Body

3 Practice Write (type) your speech. Not more than 10 sentences!!! Make sure you know all your words, and intonations. Memorize your speech.

4 Fight your Stage Fright Confidence in the Topic Confidence in the Message Confidence in the Delivery Confidence Backstage

5 You know it’s coming! It’s normal to be nervous! Just remind yourself: you know the topic, the content, the message and you have practiced for over 100 times! Keep yourself busy before the speech starts.

6 Perform to the whole class

7 What is the Body? After you give overview in your introduction, take EVERY main point and explain it in detail with EVIDENCE. Evidence: numbers or examples that prove/support your main point

8 The Body Main Point 1 Numbers/Examples Transition Main Point 2 Numbers/Examples Transition Main Point 3 Numbers/Examples Transition Evidence that supports your point Repeated fr. The overview Connect the main point

9 Why is Evidence in the Body Important? In p.70, Listen to the CD and check (V) whether the evidence is unclear or vague.

10 How to Use Evidence in the Body? Numbers are used for things can be measured: prices, percentages, statistics, sizes, distances, time, etc. Examples are used for things are difficult to measured: quality, comfort, sadness, happiness, beauty, etc. In p.71

11 Using Evidence in the Body London is a very expensive city. It usually costs about 5 pounds to just buy a hotdog when it costs only 2.5 in Newcastle. Moreover, you need to pay 8 pounds just to drive your own car into London which is never the case in any other cities in the world.

12 Your turn to some practice I’ll give you a role: Student A or Student B Student A: get together and look at p.73 (2-3 student A in one group) Student B: get together and look at p.74 (2-3 student B in one group) Finish your Step 1

13 Your turn to some practice Step 2: Find a partner who has a different role. Student A: Give a short speech on the Great Pyramid to your new partner B Student B: Listen Step 3: Student A Listen, Student B present a speech on The great Wall of China

14 Using Evidence in the Body Now try giving numbers and examples as evidence yourself. Try 2 evidences for each practice in p.72

15 What are Transitions and Sequencers? Transitions: After we’ve talked about …,Now let’s look at … etc. Sequencers: first, next, after,..etc.

16 Why are Transitions and Sequencers Important? 1. In p. 76 listen to the CD and answer questions 1~4. 2. Listen to the CD with transitions and sequencers and answer questions 1-4 again.

17 Performance Best way to win agreement: comparisons Watch Episode 7 and answer these questions: 1. What product is he presenting? 2. How many points are in the body?

18 Speech Preparation, p.86 Prepare at least one visual to explain each main point in the body of your persuasive presentation. Use Storyboard if you need. Practice the Body. Think about how to Introduce, Explain, Emphasize each chart, and how to Transition from chart to chart.

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