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Principles of Information Technology

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1 Principles of Information Technology
Basic Internet Functions Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

2 What is the Internet? The Internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that use standard communications protocols. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

3 Before the Internet Prior to 1991, people had to physically go the library to perform research. College students spent hours and hours in the library to find information that we now can find by clicking a few times on the Internet. Can you imagine actually going to the library? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

4 The Day of the Internet ARPAnet began researching and developing strategies in the 1960s after the Soviet Union launched satellites into outer space. The US felt threatened. The Internet was launched to the public in 1991. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

5 How to get the Internet ISP Hot Spot Internet Service Provider
A company who provides access to the Internet Examples Verizon Wireless AT&T Time Warner Cable Comcast A Place/Spot that offers Internet wirelessly Examples McDonald’s Books A Million Starbucks Chick-Fil-A Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

6 Accessing the Internet
Web Browsers Software applications used to locate and display the Internet Examples Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Netscape Navigator Each web browser performs the same duties, but each person has a preference on which to use. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

7 All about the Internet ADDRESS BAR FAVORITES
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

8 All about the Internet Double click on your web browser to access the Internet. Your homepage will automatically appear The page that automatically comes up when you start your web browser is your homepage. Once you open the Internet, type your URL address in the address bar. URL—Uniformed Resource Locator Example: Your website should now be accessible. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

Parts of a URL www unt edu/ PROTOCOL LOCATION OF THE SITE NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION EXTENSIONS Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

10 Extensions Suffixes at the end of the URL that tell you what type of site you are visiting .com _____ COMMERCIAL .edu _____ EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION .gov _____ GOVERNMENT .mil _____ MILITARY .net _____ NETWORK .org _____ ORGANIZATION Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

11 Uses of the Internet Perform Research Play Games Network Socialize
Make video calls Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

12 Searching the Internet
Search Engines A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list called hits Examples Google Yahoo Bing Ask Jeeves Dog Pile MSN search Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

13 How to Use a Search Engine
When using a search engine, type in keywords. Keywords are short important words used in search engines. They narrow down the search. The results of a search are called hits. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

14 Let’s Practice Using Search Engines
Open a web browser. Type in in the address bar. Google should pop up. In the search bar, type the following: Cracking knuckles problem Notice that we did not type in a question…just the keywords. The lists that appear are called hits. We will now find out if cracking your knuckles is a problem. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

15 Things to know about the Internet
Websites have underlined links and linked photos called hyperlinks. Hyperlinks take you to another page on the Internet. Favorites Has a star icon and allows you to save your favorite sites Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 Trade & Industrial Education

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