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Analyze of geological information which is available in the city. Task 3. 3.1. Geological data inventory and gathering. Life – Third Countries GeoInforM.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyze of geological information which is available in the city. Task 3. 3.1. Geological data inventory and gathering. Life – Third Countries GeoInforM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyze of geological information which is available in the city. Task 3. 3.1. Geological data inventory and gathering. Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

2 Geological information in Russia All geological information obtained by nature user using state budget is the state property. All geological information revealed by nature users with their own budget is private geological information. Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

3 Geological information in Russia State owned geological information is reported to federal and regional funds of geological information. Access to the information and its use are regulated by federal or regional authority. Private geological information is also reported to federal or regional funds of geological information. Access to the information and its use are regulated by special agreements. Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

4 Geological information in Russia Types of available information resources: Reports on geological studies  Regional geological studies  Local scale geological studies  Thematic geological studies Scientific publications Geological maps (hydrogological, tectonic, engineering geological etc.) Geological licenses Reports on state expert examination State geological inspection reports Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

5 Geological data inventory shown that the most of information is concentrated in the following archives: 1. Archive of “All Russian geological institute” contains reports related to the period 1935-1951 years. 2. Federal Archive of geological information of North-West region keeps the most part of the geological information. 3. Archive of the state company “Trest GRII” contains reports on geological examinations for building. Access to information is restricted. Geological information available in Saint-Petersburg Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

6 4. Archive of the Federal state company “Petersburg geological expedition” contains reports on engineering-geological studies for the most significant constructions in the city. 5. Archive of the Federal state company “All Russian research institute for hydrogeology and engineering geology” keeps reports on regional hydrogeological and engineering geological studies. The archive is in Moscow. 6. Some other geological institutes and high schools have archives which keep geological information. Geological information available in Saint-Petersburg Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

7 Results of geological data inventory: 1. Crystalline basement - 3 reports (1948-2001) 2. Pre-quaternary deposits – 7 reports (1935-2001) 3. Quaternary deposits – 6 reports (1935 – 2001) 4. Tectonic mapping – 3 reports (1968 – 1990) 5. Hydrogeological studies – 9 reports (1952-2003) 6. Engineering geological studies – 5 reports (1953-1989) Geological information available in Saint-Petersburg Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

8 Difficulties: The most part of geological information is on paper. Only a few reports contains digital maps and databases. Significant part of raw data was lost during the reorganization. Geological information available in Saint-Petersburg Life – Third Countries GeoInforM

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