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1J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Organizing the Global Experimental Program The ILCSC has asked the Worldwide Study, as its Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "1J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Organizing the Global Experimental Program The ILCSC has asked the Worldwide Study, as its Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Organizing the Global Experimental Program The ILCSC has asked the Worldwide Study, as its Physics and Detectors Subcommittee, to develop a plan for organizing the experimental program in parallel with the GDI for the machine. This plan should include the following: 1. Ensure that at least two different detector concepts are developed; 1. Ensure that at least two different detector concepts are developed; by worldwide teams which will: by worldwide teams which will: - prepare CDR(s) on concepts, by ~2006; - prepare CDR(s) on concepts, by ~2006; - be ready to form the cores of the collaborations when funding - be ready to form the cores of the collaborations when funding is in place and bids are called for. is in place and bids are called for. 2. Encourage and coordinate inter-regional R&D on essential detector 2. Encourage and coordinate inter-regional R&D on essential detector technologies, and give peer-reviewed recognition to nationally funded technologies, and give peer-reviewed recognition to nationally funded R&D programmes as part of the worldwide project. R&D programmes as part of the worldwide project. 3. Make sure that vital questions of machine-detector interface and 3. Make sure that vital questions of machine-detector interface and beamline instrumentation are as fully supported as accelerator and detector R&D. This will involve close links with the GDI. and detector R&D. This will involve close links with the GDI.

2 2J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 World Wide Study Organizing Committee ILCSC Physics and Detectors Subcommittee Co-chairs   Jim Brau, University of Oregon.   David Miller, U. C. London,   Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku University, Americas Committee Members   John Jaros, SLAC (USA),   Dean Karlen, Victoria (Canada),   Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab (USA),   Mark Oreglia, University of Chicago (USA),   Ritchie Patterson, Cornell (USA), Asian Committee Members   Akiya Miyamoto, KEK (Japan),   Atul Gurtu, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (India),   JooSang Kang, Korea University Seoul (Korea),   ChangGen Yang, IHEP Beijing (China),   Wei-Shu(George) Hou, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), European Committee Members   Tiziano Camporesi, CERN,   Michael Danilov, ITEP (Russia),   Rolf Heuer, University of Hamburg (Germany),   Francois Richard, Orsay (France),   Ron Settles, Munich (Germany),

3 3J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Proposal WWS Organizing Committee proposes to:   Recognize and coordinate studies on whole detector concepts, and work toward interregional detector TDRs, including a cost document available at the time of the Accelerator CDR.   Interface with GDI, especially on MDI issues.   Keep a register of R&D relevant to LC experimental programs, identify those that are vital or missing, and ensure peer review of R&D proposals.   Organize interregional meetings and workshops.   Report to ILCSC and ICFA on the matters above.

4 4J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Discussion in the Community   At the Paris LCWS 2004, the ILCSC charge was presented to the community in the opening talk by J. Brau, and in a special session by D. Miller, followed by a discussion.   Following the Paris LCWS (April) and leading up to the Victoria American Linear Collider Workshop (July), the WWS Organizing Committee drafted and distributed a proposal document, which included the creation of a small executive committee (~ 6 members, the Global Experimental Commission - GEC), which would oversee a costing document and detector R&D, receive the detector LOIs, and execute other tasks.

5 5J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Proposed Timeline GDI Timeline   2004 – ITRP Technology Recommendation   2005 – Accelerator CDR   2007 – Accelerator TDR   2008 – LC Site Selection   Site selection + 1 year Experimental Program  Single preliminary costing document for at least one whole- detector  CDR’s from each detector concept team (expect/encourage individuals to participate in multiple concepts)  Collaborations form and submit LOIs for proposal to the Global Lab (or GDO?)  Global lab selects experiments and asks for TDRs (ILCSC parameters document calls for 2)

6 6J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Discussion in the Community (2)   In the draft document, a small executive committee (~ 6 members, the Global Experimental Commission - GEC), was created to oversee the costing document and detector R&D, receive the detector LOIs, and execute other tasks.   This draft proposal was circulated in the community, and received broad consideration and feedback.   The community saw the GEC as creating a confusing boundary with WWS Organizing Committee, which could weaken WWS, an effective bottom-up representative of all physicists interested in LC, which has worked effective to coordinate global activities.   Alternatively, it is now proposed that the WWS Organizing Committee appoint panels that perform the necessary tasks, and retain the oversight. (It is not necessary to create the GEC)  Revising document – will submit prior to next ILCSC meeting

7 7J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Panels to be created by the WWS OC   Costing panel: Request inputs from the teams studying each detector concept, ensure the same costing basis, and edit into a single document to be included with the accelerator CDR. Then the panel will stand down.   Detector R&D review panel: Maintain a register of relevant R&D, identify vital or missing activities, arrange for peer review of proposals, and endorse approved programs to funding agencies when requested. This panel will stand down when the detector proposals are finalized.   MDI panel: Liaise with GDI to coordinate MDI issues between accelerator and experimental teams, and ensure that essential MDI R&D is done. The panel will stand down when the global lab takes over this role.   More panels to be appointed as needed.

8 8J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Proposed Timeline GDI Timeline   2004 – ITRP Technology Recommendation   2005 – Accelerator CDR   2007 – Accelerator TDR   2008 – LC Site Selection   Site selection + 1 year Experimental Program  Single preliminary costing document for at least one whole- detector produced by WWS Costing Panel  CDR’s from each detector concept team (expect some individuals to sign multiple) received by the WWS OC  Collaborations form and submit LOIs for proposal to the Global Lab (or GDO?)  Global lab selects experiments and asks for TDRs (2)

9 9J. Brau - ILCSC Meeting - Beijing - August 19, 2004 Proposal WWS Organizing Committee proposes to:   Recognize and coordinate studies on whole detector concepts, and work toward interregional detector TDRs, including a cost document available at the time of the Accelerator CDR.   Interface with GDI, especially on MDI issues.   Keep a register of R&D relevant to LC experimental programs, identify those that are vital or missing, and ensure peer review of R&D proposals.   Organize interregional meetings and workshops.   Report to ILCSC and ICFA on the matters above.

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