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Report to the IEC TC100 AGS on Stage 0 Project on Accessibility May 20, 2009 Washington, DC (at the Consumer Electronics Association in Crystal City, Virginia)

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Presentation on theme: "Report to the IEC TC100 AGS on Stage 0 Project on Accessibility May 20, 2009 Washington, DC (at the Consumer Electronics Association in Crystal City, Virginia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to the IEC TC100 AGS on Stage 0 Project on Accessibility May 20, 2009 Washington, DC (at the Consumer Electronics Association in Crystal City, Virginia) Jean Baronas, Co-Project Leader 100/Paccessiblity and usability (001)007 For IEC use only 2009-04-15

2 Who is involved? ► Jean Baronas and Megan Hayes  USA ► Kate Grant and Mark Yonge  U.K. ► Chen Ren, Veena Tiwari, Zhang Hong, Wang Gang  China ► Ulrike Haltrich  Germany ► Shuichi Matsumura  Japan

3 What is happening? ► Information exchange about regulations ► Analyses and evaluation of the approaches that are possible for the IEC TC100 ► Draft Technical Report (TR) ► Contact with the IEC TC100 Technical Area Managers (TAMs) ► Outreach to liaisons ► Discussions about “mainstreaming” support for accessibility  Products and general support in industry for “assistive technology (AT)”  Specifications and standards

4 General Discussion and Open Questions from April 1 telecon ► Inquiries of the Technical Area Managers (TAMs) ► Relevance of accessibility and usability in the TA work ► Review of the Technical Area (TA) working documents

5 General Discussion April 1 telecon ► Colour  Important to accessibility and usability from an information and image management point of view ► Screen contrast and text  known to assist certain impairments (colour blindness and dyslexia)  Text size impacts reability, including that for e- books

6 Plan from April 1 telecon ► Begin the process of evaluating the IEC TC100 standards  Do the standards maintain accessibility features?

7 The TA Inquiry ProjectTitleStage Accessi bility features maintai ned? Yes or No? User needs address ed

8 Who? Chen TA 9 Jean TA 2 and 10 Ulrike TA 10 Matsumura-san TA 8 Kate and possibly Mark TA 11

9 The timeline from Sao Paulo Draft 1.0: Activities, observations, recommendations, application 2/15/09 (done) Draft 2.0 4/30/09 (done) Discussion among the IEC TC100 experts about predictions of AV accessibility (designs, standards, industry practices) 8/09(ongoing) Determine the future role(s) for the IEC TC100 in accessibility standards 10/09 (ongoing) Analyze the accessibility research projects in the IEC TC100 member nations and determine how they can provide input to future IEC TC100 New Work Item Proposals 10/09(ongoing)

10 Thank you for your time! Co-Project Leaders Jean Baronas and Kate Grant 100/Paccessiblity and usability (001)007 For IEC use only 2009-04-15

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