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Wordle 33 Pugilism Pseudonym Relegate Reprove Rapt.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordle 33 Pugilism Pseudonym Relegate Reprove Rapt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordle 33 Pugilism Pseudonym Relegate Reprove Rapt

2 pugilism Noun: Boxing; fighting with the fists Robert’s favorite sport is pugilism

3 Pseudonym pseu·do·nym Noun:A fictitious name, esp. one used by an author.Synonyms:alias - pen name - anonym - nom de plume Mark Twain was the pen name for Samuel Clemins.

4 relegate rel·e·gate Verb: Consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position. Synonyms:banish - exile – depor Tom was relegated to the dog house after he made his wife angry.

5 reprove re·prove Verb: Reprimand or censure someone. Synonyms: rebuke - reprehend - reproach - reprimand - chide – blame Tom was reproved by his mother after he failed his classes.

6 rapt Adjective: Completely fascinated by what one is seeing or hearing: "Andrew looked at her, rapt". Indicating or characterized by such a state of fascination: "rapt attention". Synonyms: rapturous – ecstatic The children watched the movie with rapt expressions on their faces.

7 Terse terse Adjective: Sparing in the use of words; abrupt: "a terse statement". Synonyms: concise - laconic - succinct - brief - curt – short Tom is terse and seldom says more than a few words at a time.

8 cache Noun: A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. Verb: Store away in hiding or for future use. Synonyms: noun. hiding place - stash verb. hide - conceal – secrete The man found a cache of hidden treasure.

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