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. 7-1 Chapter 7 Secondary Data Searches. 7-2 Learning Objectives The purpose and process of exploratory research Two types and three levels of management.

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Presentation on theme: ". 7-1 Chapter 7 Secondary Data Searches. 7-2 Learning Objectives The purpose and process of exploratory research Two types and three levels of management."— Presentation transcript:

1 . 7-1 Chapter 7 Secondary Data Searches

2 7-2 Learning Objectives The purpose and process of exploratory research Two types and three levels of management decision-related secondary sources The process for conducting a literature search

3 7-3 Exploratory Phase Search Strategy Search Strategy Discovery/ Analysis Secondary Sources Individual Depth Interviews Expert Interview Group Discussions

4 7-4 Exhibit 7-1 Integration of Secondary Data into the Research Process

5 7-5 Objectives of Secondary Searches Expand understanding of management dilemma Gather background information Identify information that should be gathered Identify sources for and actual questions that might be used Identify sources for and actual sample frames that might be used

6 7-6 Conducting a Literature Search Define management dilemma Consult books for relevant terms Use terms to search Locate/review secondary sources Evaluate value of each source and content

7 7-7 Levels of Information Primary Sources: Memos Letters Interviews Speeches Laws Internal records Secondary Sources: Encyclopedias Textbooks Handbooks Magazines Newspapers Newscasts Tertiary Sources: Indexes Bibliographies Internet search engines

8 7-8 Exhibit 7-2 Integrating Secondary Data

9 7-9 Information Sources Encyclopedias Directories Handbooks Types Indexes/ Bibliographies Dictionaries

10 7-10 Exhibit 7-4 Review of Advanced Search Options

11 7-11 Exhibit 7-5 Advanced Searching Process

12 7-12 By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it. Source: Cooper R. D. & Schindler, S. P. (2006). Business Research Methods 9e. McGraw.Hill

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