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1 Update from the ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP) Presented by Karen Hughes Director, Homeland Security Standards American National Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Update from the ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP) Presented by Karen Hughes Director, Homeland Security Standards American National Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Update from the ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP) Presented by Karen Hughes Director, Homeland Security Standards American National Standards Institute October 21, 2009

2 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 2 ANSI-HSSP Thanks its Sponsors

3 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 3 ANSI Panels, Forums, & Workshops 2003 Homeland Security Standards Panel 2004 Nanotechnology Standards Panel 2005 Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel 2006 ID Theft Prevention and ID Management Standards Panel 2007 Biofuels Standards Coordination Panel 2007 ANSI/NAM Network on Chemical Regulation 2009 Workshop Toward Product Standards for Sustainability 2009 ANSI-NIST Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative

4 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 4 ANSI-HSSP Mission Established: February 2003 Mission: Identify and facilitate the development and enhancement of homeland security standards. Functions:  Convene public and private sector members to examine cross-sector issues where partnership, understanding and standards are necessary  Assemble Workshop initiatives and reports to address specific homeland security areas; identify existing standards and conformity assessment programs and gap areas; and offer recommendations for addressing these gaps. Support the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate’s Office of Standards

5 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 5 Calendar of Past HSSP Workshops shown in order of publication of final reports 2004 AprilPrivate Sector Preparedness (with 9/11 Commission) AprilBiometrics DecemberBiological and Chemical Threat Agents 2006 FebruaryTraining Programs for First Response to WMD Events MayEnterprise Power Security 2007 JanuaryPerimeter Security MarchLessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina 2008 FebruaryEmergency Communications OctoberFinancial Impact of Cyber Risk 2009 JanuaryTransit Security Standardization FebruaryEmergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs

6 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 6 Where We’ve Been (2009) ANSI-HSSP Workshop on Transit Security Standardization ANSI-HSSP Workshop convened January 27-28, 2009, 2009 at ECC in Arlington, VA  ANSI-HSSP Workshop meeting held in May 2007  World Standards Council (WSC) in October 2007 Nearly 75 stakeholders from the transit community, SDOs, & federal agencies attended A series of Panels addressed transit security needs related to:  Access control & intrusion detection  Video analytics & surveillance  Explosives detection Final workshop report circulated in April 2009

7 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 7 Where We’ve Been (2009) ANSI-HSSP Workshop on Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities & Special Needs ANSI-HSSP Workshop convened February 3-4, 2009 at the Gallaudet University Partnered with the National Organization on Disability (NOD) Emergency Preparedness Initiative (EPI) and NFPA DARAC Brought together over 100 key stakeholders from Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs), federal agencies, and disability advocacy groups Final report issued in May 2009

8 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 8 Where We are Going (2010) 2010 Priorities:  Follow-up activity to February 2009 HSSP Workshop on Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs  Launch Workshop on Explosives Detection in partnership with DHS WG on Explosives Potential Items for Exploration:  Follow-up to January 2009 HSSP Workshop on Transit Security Standardization  Standards needs for children in disasters (Partnership with Save the Children)  Resilience (in partnership with ASME ITI)  Emergency Communications (alerts & warnings)  International (biometrics, cargo security, RFID standards, societal security)

9 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 9 Ongoing Activities Position the U.S. with a lead role internationally  ISO/IEC/ITU-T Strategic Advisory Group on Security  Monitoring the work of ISO/TC 223 (Societal Security) Created a Homeland Security Standards Database to capture key standards and serve as a resource for the HS community 

10 ANSI-HSSP Eighth Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 10 Further Information ANSI-HSSP website  ANSI Homeland Security Standards Database (HSSD)  Further questions on the ANSI-HSSP and information on how to join should be directed to: Karen Hughes Director, Homeland Security Standards 212-642-4992

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