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World War II Propaganda

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1 World War II Propaganda

2 Propaganda information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause In WWII, propaganda was used more than any other time this world has seen. With new technological inventions such as photography, radio and film, manipulative messages bombarded every day life in an attempt to persuade a person to believe in a specific cause.

3 Russia – Look familiar? United States – Uncle Sam: I Want You!



6 Women in WWII Women responded to the urgent demand for their labor
5 million women entered the work force replaced the men who joined the armed services. Married and single women worked as reporters, truck driers, factory workers and aircraft workers. They also typed telegrams and went overseas as nurses and pilots.

7 U.S. Home front Propaganda
When the United States finally entered the war, it was Total War. Everyone was affected and as many resources possible went to the war effort.

8 Buy War Bonds! What is being symbolized here?
Think about how fear can be used in propaganda. Notice the two unknowing kids and the oldest who seems to be looking at something up in the sky.

9 Rationing During the war, the government rationed (limitations on the amounts of certain goods that people could buy) essential items such as sugar, gasoline, coffee, meat, and even ketchup. Citizens were given ration books to keep track of the “points” allotted to each family.

10 Saving Gas

11 Victory Garden Nationwide victory garden program to help combat food shortages. Victory gardens made an important contribution to the home-front effort by producing a significant amount of food (approximately 40 percent of the vegetables consumed in 1943) and by providing a way to contribute to the war effort for those who could not fight on the battlefield.

12 Salvage (saving) in WWII
Collecting Scrap To help win the war, families, even children, went to the streets to collect scrap metal, paper, rubber—anything that could be recycled to help win the war. Salvage (saving) in WWII SAVE… CAN BE MADE INTO… 30,000 razor blades 50 machine guns (.30 caliber) 30 lipstick tubes 20 ammunition cartridges 2,300 pairs of nylons 1 parachute 1 pound of fat 1/3 pound of gunpowder 2,5000 tons of tin and 190,000 tons of steel 5,000 tanks

13 Women: Rosie the Riveter
Rosie Riveter is one of the most popular posters ever created in the United States. What does the arm symbolize? What about her facial appearance/expression?


15 Unification It is important for any government in war that all the people be united in the war effort. Even black people and women were targeted by propaganda in the United States. How might this create lasting effects after the war?

16 African Americans at War
On July 19, 1941, the U.S. Air force began a program in Tuskegee, Alabama to train black Americans as military pilots. Army was segregated only whites were allowed to fly 992 black pilots graduated, receiving commissions and pilot wings. Tuskegee Airmen.

17 Mexican Americans U.S. needed worker 1942: signed a treaty with Mexico
allowed the recruitment of Mexican laborers to work in the U.S. Bracero Program many Mexicans moved north to work on farms and railroads.

18 Discrimination of Mexicans
June 1943 a group of sailors on leave attacked some young Mexican Americans beat them on the streets teens wearing zoot suits rioting in Los Angeles. Newspapers blamed the violence on the Mexican Americans. Police even left the servicemen along and arrested the victims instead.

19 Japanese

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