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Today’s Sermon: Mark 13:13-20, “Jesus Olivet Discourse: Part #2, Jesus Answers The Question, “When Will The Temple Be Torn Down And What Will Be The Signs.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Sermon: Mark 13:13-20, “Jesus Olivet Discourse: Part #2, Jesus Answers The Question, “When Will The Temple Be Torn Down And What Will Be The Signs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Sermon: Mark 13:13-20, “Jesus Olivet Discourse: Part #2, Jesus Answers The Question, “When Will The Temple Be Torn Down And What Will Be The Signs That This Is Fulfilled” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp

2 The disciples ask 3 questions: 1. When will these things be? 2. What will be the sign of Your coming? 3. What will be the sign of the end of the age?

3 Mark’s recording of the disciple’s question to Jesus: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?”

4 3 Divisions of the Great Tribulation from Jesus’ reply (from Bible Exposition Commentary): 1. The beginning (Mark 13:5–13. 2. The middle (Mark 13:14–18). 3. The events that lead to the end (Mark 13:19–27).

5 We looked at secular studies that reveal the exponential increase the signs Jesus described: 1. Men in the past hundred years or so who claimed to be the Messiah or Jesus Christ 2. GTZ Corporation’s graphs that showed the exponential increase of wars and rumors of wars in the past 100 years 3. List of organizations designated as Terror Organizations operating today 4. The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction organization’s graphs showing the exponential increase of all manner of natural catastrophes in the past 60 years 5. Exponential increase-Christian persecution in past 100 years

6 Breakdown of judgments during Tribulation of the book of Revelation: During the 7 yr. Tribulation Period of the Book of Revelation the world will be battered under- (1)God’s divine judgments of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, & 7 bowls; (2)Antichrist will issue absolute economic and political decrees which bring further woes; and (3)Satan and his emissaries will concentrate activities on earth (Rev. 12:12) As the world begins to come apart, supernatural events will transpire worse than any ecologist’s nightmare. Acts of man and judgments from God will combine to cause-  Stars to fall  Planets to run off course  Unnatural climate changes  Food production largely wiped out  Strange new epidemics spread  Gigantic earthquakes level cities And destructions to occur in other areas of human life  Economic systems collapse  Moral standards cease to exist  Social structures breakdown  A super-church absorbs all religions  Satanism, occultism, witchcraft  Humanism and human knowledge increase  Terrorism, fear destruction abound  An unprecedented world war (Armageddon)

7 Continued… THE 3 SETS OF 7 JUDGMENTS OF THE 7YR. TRIBULATION IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION SEVEN SEAL JUDG- MENTS (Rev. 6) FIRSTSECONDTHIRDFOURTHFIFTHSIXTHSEVENTH Rider on White Horse: The Antichrist Rider on Red Horse: Wars, Threats, Terrorism Rider on Black Horse: Famine And Economic Ruin Rider on Pale horse: Death and Hades Martyred saints and More Perse- cutions Physical Disturb- ances, Earth- Quakes Silence; then, the 7Trumpet Judg- Ments occur

8 SEVEN TRUMPET JUDG- MENTS (Rev. 8-9) FIRSTSECONDTHIRDFOURTHFIFTHSIXTHSEVENTH 1/3 rd Earth on fire; 1/3 rd Trees on fire; All Grass burned 1/3 rd Sea Become Blood; 1/3 rd Ships sink; 1/3 rd Fish die A falling Star Poisons 1/3 rd of all rivers and 1/3 rd of all fountains 1/3 rd sun Darkene 1/3 rd Moon Darkened 1/3 rd stars darkened Demon- ized Locusts Torture men 5 months 1/3 rd of Mankind dies; 200 Million men go from Asia to the Middle East Huge earth- quake and 7,000 die In Jerusalem SEVEN BOWL JUDG- MENTS (Rev. 16) FIRSTSECONDTHIRDFOURTHFIFTHSIXTHSEVENTH Boils on Follower Of Antichrist All sea Become Blood; All fish die All rivers are turned into blood Sun Scorches All mankind Total darkeness Covers earth Euphrates River dries up; Asian kings go To Middleast for Battle Of Arma- geddon Earth- Quake Topples all cities on earth; Babylon cited; Huge hail Kills people

9 Growing rate of sociopathy in youth in the world: Is the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3:1-9 upon us?

10 Mark 13:13: Persecution and being hated for Christ’s name, yet the saints will persevere until the end

11 What does it mean to persevere faithful until the end? (Rev. 13:1-10; 14:9-13)

12 Mark 13:14-18: Jesus points to Daniel’s timetable for the end-times, particularly chapter 9 and his 70 weeks prophesy

13 Lets read Daniel’s prophesy: (Dan. 9:24-27)

14 Graph of Daniel’s 70 weeks (from ) Apologetics/IsthebiblefromGod6/Se ventyweekschart_2a.jpg


16 Graph of Daniel’s 70th week (from s/4/70thweek_2.jpg


18 Mark 13:19-20: Description of the Great Tribulation, a time unlike any before or which shall come afterwards

19 CONCLUSIONS: Luke 12:40, 40 “You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”

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