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Providing Essential Capabilities for Defense of our Homeland Major General Paul Sullivan Director, Joint Staff, National Guard Bureau APEX 20 Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Essential Capabilities for Defense of our Homeland Major General Paul Sullivan Director, Joint Staff, National Guard Bureau APEX 20 Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Essential Capabilities for Defense of our Homeland Major General Paul Sullivan Director, Joint Staff, National Guard Bureau APEX 20 Orientation March 9, 2005

2 2 National Guard Bureau CSA SecArmy The Army Staff CSAF SecAF The Air Staff CNGB DANGDARNG Assist The National Guard Bureau A Joint Bureau of the Departments of the Army and Air Force Joint Staff OSD Combatant Commanders TAGs State JFHQ Governors

3 3 Transformation Imperatives Strategic ReserveOperational Force Active Service Draft Ample time for buildup Time-phased, overseas fight Threat-based force Linear formations Symmetric threats Single service/component Volunteer/Recruited Force No/limited notice Any time/any where Capabilities-based force Modular units Asymmetric threats Joint/multi-component/multinational Minuteman values and missions transcend time 1636 1903 (Dick Act) 2001 Constitutional Militia = Operational Force (since 1636) Federal Role = Strategic Reserve (1903-2001), but is since transforming

4 4 National Interest/Control, Decentralized Execution Operational Title 32 Military Civil Overseas Conflict Border Security Local & State Crisis Management Preemptive and Retaliatory Strikes Missile Defense/ Air Sovereignty Law Enforcement (MSCLEA) Regional Consequence Management (EMAC) Airport Security Local & State Consequence Management Counter Narco- Terrorism Physical or Cyber Attack on Homeland National Security Special Events Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) 2 Swiftly defeat efforts in two regions 1 Win decisively in one region 1 Defense of the Homeland Theater Security Cooperation Homeland Defense in Depth Governor Equities 4 D eter forward in four critical regions

5 5 Guard Contributions to the National Response Total in Service:113,786 2-Mar-04as of: StatusMobilizedAlerted Warning Orders MPA (Vols) TTADSAD Force Protection (Title 32) TOTALS ARNG 99,1854,944002473781,825 106,579 ANG 2,2340 0 4,96901 3 7,207 Totals101,4194,94404,969247379 1,828113,786

6 6 National Security Needs President Bush: Is the Guard prepared to respond to HD/HLS/ State needs at the same time as it’s engaged in combat? Governors: Can you assure us enough forces remain to accomplish the HD/HLS and State missions? Sec Rumsfeld: How will you improve the Guard’s accessibility to DOD and better support the GWOT, HD and HLS? NORTHCOM: Can the Guard provide units/capabilities like the USMC CBIRF? Sec McHale: How does/can the National Guard respond to multiple domestic events? Yes Transform/Leverage Yes Leverage/Coordinate

7 7 Reaction ForcesCivil Support Teams CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package Joint Force Headquarters-State C4ISR RSOI CIP MACDIS Quarantine Detect Identify Advise Comm Integrator Mass Casualty Mass Decon Tech Extraction Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond Homeland Readiness (1) DATA DATE: 3 MAR 05

8 8 Public Affairs Homeland Security Information Network Joint CONUS Comms Support Environment 24/7 Ops Centers Time-phased Nationwide 7,665 hits since Aug 04 Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond Detect Deter Defeat Respond SIPRNET (secure) NIPR (multiple layers) Secure VTC Homeland Readiness (2) DATA DATE: 3 MAR 05 1-3 on shift 4-6 on shift

9 9 50% (+/-) Homeland Defense Homeland Security MACA MSCA MSLEA Enhanced Pool Intensive Training Getting Ready 25% (+/-) Mobilized & Deployed Forces Title 32 Responsibilities On Scene in 4 to 24 Hours Generating Force and Institutional Army/Air Force Home Land Security & Depth (NBC, Transportation, Base/Military Police, Engineers, Medical, Airlift, Aviation, etc.) RC/AC (Homeland Security/Homeland Defense) RC CS/CSS CS CSS Joint and Expeditionary Capabilities Deploys within 72 Hrs/30 Days 72 Hrs/30 Days AC/RC Depth GSU Flying CS CSS AC CS/CSS Standing Joint Force HQ (C4ISR and RSOI) Civil Support Teams Maintenance Aviation Engineer (Urban Search & Rescue) Medical (Mass Decon) Communications Transportation Security Months 48 to 60 Months 3 to 24 Months 9 to 18 Full Spectrum Force SET RE-SET Mobilize Demob

10 10 Commitment to States  Provide sufficient capabilities under state control  Ensure appropriate capabilities/unit mix  Provide a more predictable model for operational rotations Feb 2004

11 11 Core Joint Capabilities 9 to 24 Months 48 to 60 Months 3 to 24 Months  Joint Force Headquarters (State)  Command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance (C4ISR)  Reception, staging, & onward integration (RSOI)  Civil Support Teams  Maintenance  Aviation  Engineer (Technical Search & Rescue)  Medical (Mass Decon)  Communications  Transportation  Security 50% Homeland Defense Homeland Security National Response Plan All Hazards Plans 25% Mobilized & Deployed Forces Enhanced Pool Intensive Training Getting Ready 25%

12 12 National Guard Availability NG COMMITTED (MOBILIZED) NG AVAILABLE TO GOVERNOR NG FUTURE COMMITMENT (ALERTED) DATA DATE: 01 MAR 05 CT DC DE MAME MN NC NH PR RI SC VT WV MD NJ 82% 16% 2% 83% 17% WI 77% 21% 2% MI 69% 31% IL 74% 26% IN 70% 29% 1% TN 63% 37% MS 72% 27 % OH 73% 24% 3% KY 78% 22% AL 72% 15% 13% FL 69% 31% GA 74% 23% 3% 72% 27% 1% PA 64% 34% 2% 75% 25% 77% 23% VA 58% 37% 5% 91% 7% 2% 54% 46% 67% 32% 1% 86% 14% 73% 27% 67% 33% 90% 9% 1% 83% 14% 3% 28% 72% NY 95% 5% 84% 13% 3% 85% 15% VI 1%

13 13 National Guard Availability NG COMMITTED (MOBILIZED) NG AVAILABLE TO GOVERNOR NG FUTURE COMMITMENT (ALERTED) DATA DATE: 01 MAR 05 AR CA GU IA ID LA NV HI MO WA 90% 10% AK 41% 59% 56% 44% MT 80% 20% OR 55% 45% 67% 33% 61% 39% 50% 51% 49% 85% 15% AZ 73% 27% UT 95% 5% 73% 27% CO NM 78% 22% ND 80% 20% SD 78% 18% 4% NE 77% 23% WY 74% 26% 85% 15% OK 72% 26% 2% TX 64% 36% 70% 30% 70% 27% 3% KS 83% 17%

14 14 Linking American States to other Nations for stronger bilateral relations 48 countries linked to 42 states, 2 territories and DC Minnesota / Croatia Mississippi / Bolivia Missouri / Panama Montana / Kyrgyzstan Nevada / Turkmenistan New Hampshire / El Salvador New Jersey/New York / Albania New York / South Africa North Carolina / Moldova North Dakota / Ghana Ohio / Hungary Oklahoma / Azerbaijan Pennsylvania / Lithuania Puerto Rico / Honduras Puerto Rico / Dominican Republic Tennessee / Bulgaria Texas/Neb / Czech Republic Utah / Morocco Vermont / Macedonia Virginia / Tajikistan Washington / Thailand West Virginia / Peru Wisconsin / Nicaragua Wyoming / Tunisia Participating States Alabama / Romania Alaska / Mongolia Arizona / Kazakhstan Arkansas / Guatemala California / Ukraine Colorado / Jordan Colorado / Slovenia Connecticut / Uruguay Delaware / Trinidad-Tobago District of Columbia / Jamaica Florida / Venezuela Florida / Guyana Georgia / Georgia Hawaii/Guam / Philippines Illinois / Poland Indiana / Slovakia Kansas / Armenia Kentucky / Ecuador Louisiana / Belize Louisiana / Uzbekistan Maryland / Estonia Maryland / Bosnia Massachusetts / Paraguay Michigan / Latvia State Partnership Program

15 15 Ready Reliable Essential Accessible... Offering uniquely American solutions to the complex security challenges our nation faces both at home and abroad.

16 16 Back-up Slides

17 17 Homeland Defense Leveraged Capabilities CROP Leveraged Forces Flying Units Combat Combat Support Ground Support Units Combat Service Support Supported Organizations Governors OSD Combatant Commanders Intergovernmental Interagency Joint Staff JFHQ (State) RSOI C4ISR CISM/CIST Public Affairs Intelligence Communications Mass Decon Mass Casualty Security Transportation Aviation Maintenance Medical Engineer

18 18 Guard Initiatives State High Specialized Federal Assets (LD/HD) Federal Civilian Private Sector DoD (Title 10) Local Emergency Services Specialized Regional Response Assets FSVA Full Spectrum Vulnerability Assessment Teams Teams in each state analyze and assess Critical Infrastructure (Planning and Preparedness) NGRF National Guard Response Forces Site Security Presence Patrols/ Show of Force Establishment of road block and/or check points Control of Civil Disturbance WMD-CST Force Protection / Security (Operate in CBRNE environment) Respond/assist in protection of selected DoD assets Initial response within 4 hours with follow-on in 4-24 hours (Critical Infrastructure Protection) NG CERFP National Guard CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package  One task organized force per FEMA region.  Leverages existing warfighting capabilities.  Specialized training to respond to CBRNE events at home. JFHQ-State Joint Force Headquarters (State) Reorganization of existing administrative headquarters Able to provide Command and Control of military response forces on behalf of the Governor or a Combatant Commander. Required Capabilities and Resources Low Pre-Event12-48 Hours48-96 Hours30 DaysFirst 12 Hours Mutual Aid Agreements WMD CST WMD Civil Support Teams 22 Person teams 32 teams today. End State: 55 Teams Mission: CBRN Assessment, Technical Advice, and Facilitation of follow on support.

19 19 National Special Security Events  Dual-hatted command  “Joint commands” all service eligibility  Mass. NG and NY NG tapping into GA NG’s G-8 Summit successes  Standing Joint Force Headquarters (State)  Interagency  Intergovernmental  Combined & international operations Historic Precedent

20 20 State Active Duty Charley: 4,100 Soldiers Frances: 5,300 Soldiers Ivan: 7,300 Soldiers 2004 G-8 Summit BG Nesbitt, GAARNG Dual-Hatted - Title 32 / 10 2004 Democratic National Convention BG Pappas, MAARNG Dual-Hatted - Title 32 / 10 2004 Republican National Convention COL (P) Sheppard, NYARNG Dual-Hatted - Title 32 / 10 Hurricanes: 4,800 Activated Soldiers 1,150 Activated Soldiers 1,650 Activated Soldiers 2004 Inauguration 2005 NGRFs / WMD-CSTs DC, MD, VA, WV, PA, and MA ARNG 2,200 Activated Soldiers ARNG Involvement Here At Home January 20, 2005 Inauguration

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