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Tools for NA62 firmware development Franco Spinella TEL62 Workshop Pisa January 30, 2014.

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1 Tools for NA62 firmware development Franco Spinella TEL62 Workshop Pisa January 30, 2014

2 First of all … There is a lot of information in the twiki page (more is coming …)

3 Software tools needed: To compile TEL62 firmware we use a double step solution: 1.Mentor Graphics HDL Designer 10.0a is used at the upper level to assemble the project (PP or SL),to invoke the simulation or to call the Altera software (Quartus) 2.From HDL Designer we invoke Quartus II (11 / 12/ 13) to compile or debug the design To simulate the design we use Modelsim invoked directly from HDL designer Firmware source is hosted in the CERN repository. You can checkout/commit/update through HDL designer but you need a compatible SVN client not too new, not too old (SlikSVN 1.6.17 is ok) To develop firmware for the TEL62 (using our framework) you need 4 tools: 1.HDL designer 2.Quartus II 3.Modelsim 4.An SVN client compatible with HDL designer (SlikSVN 1.6.17)

4 Steps to setup the environment: 1)All the tools are available through EuroPractice. Follow the link to download and install 2)Setup the SVN client. The firmware needs to be on E: so if you don’t have this partition in your PC just define a virtual disk and after setup some environment variables. Follow instructions at: and 3)Checkout the latest version from the repository 4)Some files are not on the repository. This includes the HDL designer top project file (*.hdp) and a.bat file that needs to be run once to define some paths. All necessary files are in a zip archive file named Follow instructions at the previous links and download from

5 Hands on …

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