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(2.) Space – a State perspective  The Planning Process  Current Environment  Existing Assets  Asset Utilisation  Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation.

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2 (2.) Space – a State perspective  The Planning Process  Current Environment  Existing Assets  Asset Utilisation  Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation

3 (3.) The Planning Process (a). The Model Capital Works Program Strategic Plans Innovation Govt Priorities Local Needs Non- alignment Alignment

4 (4.) The Planning Process (b). Components of a Strategic Plan TAFE Institutes Strategic Plan ICT Business TAFE Institutes Strategic Plan Training Physical Marke- ting Financial HumanProducts

5 (5.) The Education Asset Management Strategy (2000-2010) Focus on: Buildings  Asset Modernisation Reduce Maintenance Backlog Land  Invest in new Disposal Plant  Monitor Upgrade Equipment  Maintain Teaching Equipment Compliance with Government & Departmental priorities.

6 (6.) 7 Key Drivers in Asset Planning Training Demand meet client, industry & community needs labour market training needs analysis demographic trends & projections emerging industry priorities Innovation specialisation in key industry areas develop new VET products Skilled Workforce empower individuals to gain new skills emerging skills lifelong learning access for the disadvantaged

7 (7.) 7 Key Drivers in Asset Planning (cont.) Return on Investment utilisation of existing infrastructure options considered operating costs long-term viability financial appraisal Information Technology new learning environments initiatives to upgrade IT hardware Partnerships joint venture TAFE Institute contribution Quality of Environment condition & suitability of capital stock compliance with State/National regulations

8 (8.) Statistics – Existing Assets Portfolio: 908 buildings 90 campuses 14 TAFE Institutes 4 TAFE Divisions of Universities Buildings: Gross Floor Area= 1,170,207 m 2 Useable Floor Area= 842,549 m 2 Design Student Capacity= 83,000

9 (9.) Age Profile The average effective age of TAFE building stock is 20 years


11 (11.) FMIST (Facilities Management Information System, TAFE) Statewide asset inventory for TAFE facilities. Plans of rooms and details. To assist with planning & strategic decision making. Enhance condition-based reporting on maintenance and compliance issues.

12 (12.) Asset Utilisation Utilisation has been expressed as the ratio of actual teaching hours for individual students, aggregated over the full year to the Design Student Capacity of the room at any time.

13 (13.) Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation The Space Guidelines are in three parts: Project Briefing General Spaces Specialist Spaces

14 (14.) Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation (cont.) The Guidelines provide: a rationale for planning of TAFE facilities a mechanism through which detailed and accurate functional project briefs can be quickly developed a statement of the resource support that will be given to accommodate requirements for a particular education program a reference point from which additional facilities development can evolve or take place as training delivery requirements change an efficient methodology for conducting accommodation audits on existing TAFE facilities and buildings

15 (15.) Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation (cont.) The Space Guidelines contain Functional Relationships:  Field of Study  Subject Area  Activity Space

16 (16.) Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation (cont.) The Guidelines also contain Room Data Sheets – attributes include: Occupancy rating Datum dimensions Building fabric suggestions Functional layout Furniture/Equipment Environmental key points

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