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Debra Efroymson, HealthBridge Ayesha Arafat Ikra, Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Debra Efroymson, HealthBridge Ayesha Arafat Ikra, Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debra Efroymson, HealthBridge ( Ayesha Arafat Ikra, Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust

2 12-15 million inhabitants Great desire for outdoor recreation Very limited public space Existing public spaces often taken over for shopping malls, car sales, etc. Almost nobody addresses this issue

3 Sohrawardi Uddan Ramna park


5 Low income Mixed use (ground floor shops, residences above) High density Strong community A playing field

6 Walking path Trees Two benches

7 Cricket, of course! Walking Cycling School programs, competitions Fairs Concerts Political activities Mud play

8 Not enough trees Insufficient benches Walking path narrow Dominance by boys/young men No toilet, drinking fountain, lights




12 What public spaces exist in Dhaka Where are they Who do they serve How do people reach them What happens in them Reasons for not visiting research_publication/71

13 Walking: 35% Socializing with friends: 27% Enjoy surroundings: 27% Play sports, cultural entertainment, exercise, eat…

14 Walking: 73% Rickshaw: 11% Facilities for walking/rickshaw: Nil

15 Improve sanitation and safety Provide furniture, shelter, and shade Plan for maintenance Engage the community

16 Protect and expand public space network Prioritize walking over other modes Cater to all ages, sexes, and activity limitations

17 Input to Dhaka Strategic Plan Advocacy to protect, expand green spaces Work on universal access Collaboration with different organizations, media, government

18 Comprehensive: Network building Research Materials/publication Capacity building Media Advocacy New focus on universally accessible design

19 Attractive and free outdoor environments Usable by all people (age, sex, income, physical limitations…) Walking city, playing city, social city!!

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