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Chapter 6.  Why It Matters: Although the United States declared its independence in 1776, no country recognized it as an independent nation at that time.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6.  Why It Matters: Although the United States declared its independence in 1776, no country recognized it as an independent nation at that time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6

2  Why It Matters: Although the United States declared its independence in 1776, no country recognized it as an independent nation at that time. It took a war and the efforts of American diplomats to win this recognition.  The Impact Today: In fighting for the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the American Patriots laid the foundation for the United States of America as we know today.

3  Main Idea: The British and the Americans each had advantages and disadvantages as they faced one another in war.  Key Terms:  Neutral  Mercenary  Recruit

4  In order for the colonies to actually gain their independence from Britain, they had to fight a war.  No one expected it to last long

5 BRITISH PATRIOTS  Britain had a larger population-8 million against 2.5 million.  Britain had the strongest navy in the world and a well- trained army.  The Americans didn’t have a regular army or navy.  Many colonists belonged to the militias who were basically volunteers and served for short periods of time.  Not all Americans supported the war effort. Some were neutral, some were opposed to fighting, and some were loyal to Britain.

6 BRITISHPATRIOTS  Fought 3,000 miles away from home  No personal investment  The Hessian mercenaries, or hired soldiers, who fought for the British for money.  Army and navy was well trained and very powerful  They fought on their own ground  Personal stake in fighting to protect their own land and freedom  George Washington leader with courage, honesty, and determination.  Militia, not a well trained army

7  Loyalists, or Tories, supported Britain  Members of the Anglican Church and thus loyal to Britain.  Depended on Britain for jobs  Some feared the changes a new government might bring and feared challenging an existing government.  Some just did not understand the war.

8 Map of Loyalist Strongholds in the colonies

9  The British troops outnumbered the Americans. During the summer of 1777, Britain sent 32,000 troops to fight in America. The British hoped to win an early victory.  The British defeated the Continental Army at the Battle of Long Island in August.  Nathan Hale became a hero for America.  He was discovered as a spy and hanged.  After the defeat, Washington retreated to Manhattan and then across New Jersey into Pennsylvania, pursued by the British.

10  The Continental Army faced many obstacles.  They ran short of supplies.  The size of the army shrank. Soldiers became discouraged.  Some soldiers finished their term of service and went home.  Others ran away

11 New York City in Flames (1776)

12  More soldiers were needed  Some states enlisted African Americans.  By the end of the war, every state except South Carolina had enlisted African Americans.  In fact Rhode Island had an all African American regiment in 1778

13  American victorious at Trenton, New Jersey.  Washington surprised British at Trenton in late December 1776.  The British sent more troops under Lord Charles Cornwallis  Washington marched his troops to Princeton and drove away the British.



16  The British planned to gain control of Albany and the Hudson River to separate New England from the Middle Colonies.  First, John Burgoyne would lead troops south from Canada.  Second, Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger would move east from Lake Ontario.  Third, General Howe would move north from New York City, and they would all meet in Albany.

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