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What is an pronoun? A word that replaces a noun (he, him, her)

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2 What is an pronoun? A word that replaces a noun (he, him, her)

3 SingularPlural ykinOa' / ynIa] 1 st Person Common Wnx.n:a ], I, we hT'a; 2 nd Masc ~T,a;, you, ya’ll T.a; 2 nd Fem hn"Tea;, you, ya’ll aWh 3 rd Masc hM'he ~he, he, it, awhi ayhi 3 rd Fem hn"he !he,,, they, she

4 ^ybia' ~h'r"b.a; yhel{a/ hw"hy> ynIa] (Genesis 28:13) IYahwehGod (of) Abraham your father

5 tm,a/ ~yhil{a/ hw"hyw: (Jeremiah 10:10) And Yahweh (is) God true %l,m,W ~yYIx; ~yhil{a/-aWh ~l'A[a heGodliving and king eternal

6 hv,mo-la, ~yhil{a/ rm,aYOw: hy<h.a, rv,a] hy<h.a, (Exodus 3:14). And he said GodtoMoses I am who

7 EnglishHebrew “I say” “I myself say” rm; a' rm;a' ynIa]

8 awhi ~D"B; rf'B'h; vp,n< yKi Forlife the flesh in the blood he (is) x:Bez>Mih;-l[; ~k,l' wyTit;n> ynIa]w: and I (myself) I gave it to you upon the altar ~k,ytevop.n:-l[; rPek;l. to cover upon your life

9 How? %ya e lleyhe ~yIm;V'mi T'l.p;n" %yae How? you have fallen From heaven Heylel (Isaiah 14:12)

10 How? %ya e What?hm'

11 laer"f.yI-tybe War>q.YIw: !m" Amv.-ta, And they called house(of) Israel (the) name of him (it)

12 Wrm.aYOw: laer"f.yI-ynE)b. War>YIw: aWh !m"å wyxia'- la, vyai And they saw sons (of) Israel and they said a man to his brother what he?

13 How? %ya e What? Who? ymihm'

14 ^l. dyGIhi ymi rm,aYOw: hT'a' ~roy[e yKi And he said Whotold to you that naked you (are)

15 ^AmK' lae-ymi (Micah 7:18) WhoGod Just like you?

16 How? %ya e Why? What? Who?ymi hm' hM' l'

17 !yIq"-la, hw"hy> rm,aYOw: %l' hr"x' hM'l' `^yn `^yn And he said YahwehtoCain Whyangry for you? And why Have they fallen your face(s)

18 ynIT"b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae My God Why yrEb.DI yti['Wvymi qAxr" forsaken me? `yti(g"a]v; distant from my salvation (are) words of my groaning


20 lx,ao Tent

21 lx,ao vd<xol; dx'a,B. !AvarIh' vd<xoh;-~AyB. In the day d[eAm lh,ao !K;v.mi-ta, ~yqiT' (of) the new the first in one to the new (moon) will raise up the tabernacle tent (of) appointed meeting

22 rxea; Another, other

23 Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, “God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him” (Genesis 4:25). lb,h,ê tx;T; rxea; [r;z<å

24 %yae How?

25 @l,a, Thousand or Cattle @l; a' B To learn

26 rv,a] Who?

27 hm'heB. Animal, beast

28 hm'heB. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so. (Genesis 1:24).

29 hm'heB. Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar (Genesis 8:20).

30 hm'heB. Behold now, Behemoth, which I made as well as you; She eats grass like an ox (Job 40:15). tAmh eb.

31 ~G: Also, even

32 ~D' Blood

33 ~D' awhi ~D"B; rf'B'h; vp,n< yKi For Life (soul) {of} the flesh In the blood It (is)

34 ~D' And it became known to all who were living in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood. (Acts 1:19).

35 h] Interrogative particle

36 rAhj' Clean, pure

37 rAhj' ~yhil{a/ yli-ar"B. rAhj' ble yBir>qiB. vDEx; !Akn" x:Wrw> heartcleanCreate to me God And a spirit establishedrenew in myself

38 yKi That, because, but, except

39 lysiK. Fool ls;K ' B To be stupid

40 lysiK. Wlx'n>yI ~ymik'x] dAbK' !Alq' ~yrIme ~yliysik.W glory Wise men they inherit But fools display dishonor

41 hM'l' Why?

42 hm' What?

43 hm' Wrm.aYOw: laer"f.yI-ynEb. War>YIw: aWh !m' wyxia'-la, vyai And they saw sons (of) Israel And they said Manto His brother What (is) it?

44 Why? hm'l'hM'l' or hm'

45 Why? hm'l'hM'l' or ynIT'b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae My God! why You forsook me

46 [;WDm; Why? hm'l'hM'l' or

47 ymi Who?

48 ymi Wnyhel{a/ hw"hyK; ymi Who (is) like Yahwehour God (Psalm 113:5)

49 ynI[' Poor, afflicted Contrast with, poor, weak, thinlD'

50 ynI[' ytiyair" haor" hw"hy> rm,aYOw: ~yIr"c.miB. rv,a] yMi[; ynI[\-ta, And he said YahwehSeeing I have seen the affliction of my people who (are) in Egypt

51 !m,v, Oil, fat !m' v' B To be fat

52 !m,v, Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone, and he poured out a drink offering on it; he also poured oil on it (Genesis 35:14).

53 !m,v, You shall charge the sons of Israel, that they bring you clear oil of beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually (Exodus 27:20).

54 !m,v, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows (Psalm 23:5).

55 !m,v, My knees are weak from fasting, And my flesh has grown lean, without fatness (Psalm 109:24).

56 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron’s beard… (Psalm 133:2). varoh'-l[; bAJh; !m,V,K; !roh]a;-!q;z> !q'Z"h;-l[; drEyO

57 jp;v' To judge jP'v. mi B Judgment

58 ~yjip.Voh; jpov. ymeyBi yhiy>w: And it was in the days to judge the judges

59 jP'v.mi hf,[]y: al{ #r<a'h'-lK' jpevoh] The (one) judging (of) all the earth notHe will do justice (Genesis 18:25) Interrogative particle


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