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Announcements Thank you Dave, Lee, Dennis, Joel, Ashlee, Dave, Leisha, Adam, Dewey, and Fran for a great work day yesterday. Upcoming service project –

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Thank you Dave, Lee, Dennis, Joel, Ashlee, Dave, Leisha, Adam, Dewey, and Fran for a great work day yesterday. Upcoming service project –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Thank you Dave, Lee, Dennis, Joel, Ashlee, Dave, Leisha, Adam, Dewey, and Fran for a great work day yesterday. Upcoming service project – roofing on May 8 and 9. Looking for 5 people for Saturday. Need 3 or 4 for Friday if possible. Scott is coordinating Garden Co-op – Time to prep

2 Because He meant it Do not take the Lord’s Name in vain

3 You shall not take the name of the L ORD your God in vain, for the L ORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. Ex 20:7 (NKJV)

4 What does “take in vain” mean? Take in the Hebrew meant to lift, carry or bear up In vain means emptiness, in vanity, hollow You shall not carry the Name of the Lord in a casual, hollow, or empty fashion.

5 Matthew Henry explains it well Hypocrisy – professing but not living Covenant Breaking – “I swear to God I’ll do it” Rash Swearing – hit your finger?, Upset? False Swearing – Bearing false witness Taking the Name of God lightly

6 Examples today Smack your finger with a hammer lately? Honest to God, Swear to God, Oh my God Oh God yes And it can be even more serious Called under oath in a trial How many people have said “the Lord told me”, and it wasn’t truly the Lord?

7 How seriously did Hebrews take it? Jewish scholars referred to this as "motzi shem shamayim lavatalah", "uttering the Name of Heaven uselessly Jewish scholars would not utter the Name Yahweh in almost all circumstances. They would often substitute Adonai, as the strongest, “common” Name of the Lord. Matthew 28:18-19

8 How seriously does God take it? Lev 24:11-16 Matthew 5:33-37 James 5:12

9 What about others? Socially awkward, when someone reviles, defiles, and belittles the Name of Your God How do you handle it? How do you respond?

10 Thank you Lord Every one of us has blown this commandment We’ve carried His Name (God, Jesus, Lord) is ways less than Ultimate Holiness But Jesus…. Matthew 26:69-75 John 21:15-17

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