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Grant Writing 101 Presented by Heather C. Sheehan Office of Grants and External Funding 843-488-6568.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Writing 101 Presented by Heather C. Sheehan Office of Grants and External Funding 843-488-6568."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Writing 101 Presented by Heather C. Sheehan Office of Grants and External Funding 843-488-6568

2 Development Cycle Begin Program Identification of Need Identify Potential Funding Sources Write Proposal Submit Proposal Rewrite Proposal

3 Need The gap or discrepancy between “what is” and “what should be” Not a demand, a wish or a want what is what should be

4 Good Idea? Significant? Innovative? Does it address an important problem? How will student achievement be advanced? Builds upon or expands knowledge base Capable of making a difference

5 Want to a Need I want new computers in my classroom I want more manipulative materials in my classroom I want more trade books for my students to read I want more science equipment I want history videos so my students can see history

6 Funding Sources—Key points to look for… Funding PrioritiesRequirementsDue Date

7 Proposal Elements Need Budget Project Design Evaluation

8 Project Design Activities and Strategies Objectives Goals Evaluation

9 Budget Basics Teacher Hourly Rate (outside contract) $36.00 Substitute Daily Rate$87.00 Custodian Hourly Rate$24.00 Computers See state contract info. on procurement website Mileage$.585 per mile *Figures above include fringe

10 How will you use the results? How will you know the objectives have been met? Formative and/or summative data Qualitative and/or quantitative results Evaluation

11 Success Presentation Grantsmanship Need Ideas Timing

12 Do’s Read the application instructions carefully Supply sufficient detail Stay within the page limitations Prepare a reviewer friendly application. Application should be well organized and clear Project a realistic amount of work Show your application to a colleague who knows little or nothing about your area of research and ask them if they understand what you are proposing to do, and how and why you are proposing to do it

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