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Assessment of Learning: A College’s Cycle of Outcomes, Assessment & Organizational Transformation College of Alameda October 26, 2010 Lynn A. Null, M.Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of Learning: A College’s Cycle of Outcomes, Assessment & Organizational Transformation College of Alameda October 26, 2010 Lynn A. Null, M.Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of Learning: A College’s Cycle of Outcomes, Assessment & Organizational Transformation College of Alameda October 26, 2010 Lynn A. Null, M.Ed. Child Development Program Director/Instructor Western Oklahoma State College

2 Session Outcomes Design a procedure for collecting direct and indirect evidence of student learning for program improvements, and accreditation reviews Take the results of assessments and compile a profile of how students are advancing and mastering skills. Use data to make curriculum revision decisions.

3 Envisioning the Student’s Journey


5 The Major Question What do students need to be able to DO “out there” that we are responsible for “in here?”

6 The “Aha” “True wisdom lies in discovering that there are no ultimate answers, only good questions.”

7 Question Posing: 1.) What might we do to respond to our students needs? 2.) Does this data raise new questions? 3.) What key elements of this program outcome/standard are strengths for our students? 4.) Which are more of a challenge?

8 The Eddys The Minor Eddy – Periodic interruption to make program adjustments – Program faculty meet to discuss-e.g. after each term or annually The Major Eddy – Requires a lengthy amount of time---a 2-3 year review of 1-3 days

9 Closing the Assessment Loop: The Assessment Process From Outcomes To Quality Improvement

10 Change In An Organization Comes From a Shift of Imagination!


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