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Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research David Henderson. Where we started.

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Presentation on theme: "Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research David Henderson. Where we started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research David Henderson

2 Where we started

3 Our mission 1. We stop people dying from blood cancer Anything short of 100% survival is unacceptable. We’ll work until no one dies from blood cancer again. 2. We make patients’ lives better People with blood cancer should be able to live the lives they’re given. We’ll work to improve patients’ quality of life until blood cancer no longer has an impact. 3. We stop people getting blood cancer in the first place If there are ways to prevent blood cancer, we’ll find them. We’ll work to uncover the answers that stop blood cancer happening.

4 What we do: Research Patient Services Policy & Public Affairs Understanding Patient Need Raise funds

5 Patient Services: We’re here with you For patients. For carers. For anyone affected by blood cancer. We provide a range of patient services dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of patients

6 Information – Patient, families, carers – Available online and booklet forms – Currently updating and refreshing Core disease booklets Key support information (‘My Diary’) – Created for the patient: so any particular areas needed then do let us know

7 Online Patient Support

8 Support and engagement – Patient Events, Email, Social Media, Telephone – Clinicians and nurse specialists – Work with policy & public affairs team – Support Patient Need research programme

9 Prioritising Patient Need: Putting patients at the heart

10 What this enables

11 What we’ve been up to & how you can get involved Interrogating data and research Patient need survey Focus groups across the UK Interviews 1-2-1 with leading professionals Speak to me today or visit our website

12 Thank you

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