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February 4, 2014 O Get any handouts off the back counter and a marker. O Write in your agenda O I can analyze the effects of sound in context. (accent,

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Presentation on theme: "February 4, 2014 O Get any handouts off the back counter and a marker. O Write in your agenda O I can analyze the effects of sound in context. (accent,"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 4, 2014 O Get any handouts off the back counter and a marker. O Write in your agenda O I can analyze the effects of sound in context. (accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme, internal rhyme) O Begin Caught’ya Day 26

2 Day 26 when she arrived in her homeroom pauline puerile whined at the unfairness of it all. its not fair pauline whimpered to herself. its just not fair. not only do i have to go back to school, but my worst nemesis is in homeroom to torment me first thing every morning

3 Vocabulary Week 9 O Whimpered– (verb) to cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds; whine O Nemesis– (noun) An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome. O Torment– (verb) To annoy, pester, or harass.

4 Tone O Tone is the AUTHOR’S attitude towards the audience, the subject, or the character O You can recognize the tone/attitude by the language/word choices the author uses. His language will reveal his perspective/opinion (that is, whether it is positive/negative) about the subject.

5 Tone O Written Tone can be more difficult to identfiy than verbal tone. When in doubt, readers must examine the context of the story itself. O Tone must be inferred through the use of descriptive words.

6 Describing Tone O Adjectives are used to describe tone O Have a healthy “tone vocabulary” O Consider some words that describe tone. O Sarcastic, sincere, embarrassed, proud or frightened O The key to choosing the correct tone is to carefully consider the author’s word choice.

7 Descriptive vocabulary used for tone….. O Bitter O Serious O Witty O Playful O Tender O Sympathetic O Haunting O Mysterious O Suspenseful O Angry O Innocent O Humorous O Compassionate

8 Mood O Mood is the overall atmosphere of a piece of literature O The mood is created by the setting, the characters, and their actions

9 Mood O Adjectives describe Mood O Remember that you are NOT describing the way the person feels O Like tone, mood words can be either positive or negative O Examples: relaxed, cozy, romantic, gloomy, frightening, somber

10 So what is the difference? Tone = Person - Attitude Mood = Environment

11 Review of Sound Devices O Rhythm - the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry O Meter - Rhythm that follows a regular pattern from line to line O Accent – the stressed syllable

12 Copy the following chart Characters: Setting: Conflict: Plot Event 1: Plot Event 2:

13 “The Charge of the Light Brigade” p. 584 Tennyson was inspired to write his narrative poem after reading a newspaper account of the battle at Balaklava (in southern Ukraine). The details of this battle caught Tennyson’s attention and imagination because the Light Brigade’s unfailing courage in the face of near certain defeat seemed to capture the best of the English spirit.

14 O O1aU O1aU

15 Exit Ticket In lines 50-55, why does the poet believe that the Light Brigade deserves honor? Cite evidence to support your answer. (At least 3 sentences.)

16 Vocabulary Week 9 O Maliciously– (adverb) deliberately harmful; spiteful O Lobbed– (verb) To hit, throw, or propel in a high arc O Wrath– (noun) Forceful, often vindictive anger O Martinet– (noun) One who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules; disciplinarian

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