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Feudal Society Ch 24. Pages 508 – 509 What direction is the church from The manor house?

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1 Feudal Society Ch 24

2 Pages 508 – 509 What direction is the church from The manor house?

3 Feudalism was first created by the Franks Feudalism was first created by the Franks In 1066 William the Conqueror decided to conquer England and defeated the British in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. In 1066 William the Conqueror decided to conquer England and defeated the British in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. – To reward his knights, William gave them large estates of land = – William the Conqueror brought feudalism to England

4 The Battle of HastingsBattle of Hastings


6 Women in the Middle Ages Regardless of their social class, women in the Middle Ages had to obey the wishes of their fathers or husbands, they ran the households, and noble women supervised servants = they had fewer rights than men. Regardless of their social class, women in the Middle Ages had to obey the wishes of their fathers or husbands, they ran the households, and noble women supervised servants = they had fewer rights than men. One woman, however, had GREAT political power! One woman, however, had GREAT political power! – Eleanor of Aquitaine married 2 kings- France and England and was the mother of 2 kings!

7 Growth of Cities After A.D. 1000 Europe’s population began to increase partly because more food was available After A.D. 1000 Europe’s population began to increase partly because more food was available Towns also began to grow because of trade. Towns also began to grow because of trade. – Trade routes began to develop – People began to move into the cities from farms to earn more money.

8 Three Important Groups Clergy Nobles Peasants

9 Who has the power? Power was based on land ownership King owned all the land Charles Martel rewarded soldiers with land (fiefs/estates) Land ownership became tied to military service

10 How the nobles got their power… Weak kings depended on nobles for food and horses Nobles grew more powerful than the king and became independent rulers Peasants became tied to nobles as they worked their land and turned to them for protection

11 Life in the Middle Ages

12 The Home of a Noble Manor House Wooden building Palisade – wooden fence One big room Straw-covered floors Ate with their hands Castle Fortress with stone walls Drawbridge Portcullis Keep Housed many people

13 Life as a Noble Noblemen Ran estate Hunted and fished Held court (parties) Played chess Listened to minstrels Ladies Under authority of her husband Arranged marriages Married between age 12-21 Helped husbands run estate Raised children Took care of household Cared for sick

14 Knighthood Nobles could be knights – warriors on horseback Expected to follow a Code of Chivalry – Obey his Lord – Respect women – Help people in trouble – Be honest – Fight fairly

15 Knight’s Training Page Began at 7 years old Helped knights take care of armor and horses Squire Promoted at 15 years old Went into battle with the knight Knight Good squires were promoted to knights Ceremony was called dubbing

16 Tournaments Contests of strength, skill, and endurance Festive occasions that drew large audiences Favorite event was the joustjoust Expensive and potentially deadly, but very popular

17 Life on the Manor Land divided into manors, or farming communities Lord appointed officials to carry out his orders – Seneschal: visited fiefs and looked after them – Bailiff: made sure peasants worked hard Lord lived in manor house or castle Peasants lived in wood and dirt cottages with thatched roofs See diagram on page 368

18 Freemen and Serfs Freemen Peasants who paid the lord for the right to work the land Still served the lord Serfs Belonged to the lord Worked for the lord No freedom

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