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Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and Mayflower Compact

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1 Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and Mayflower Compact
The beginnings of our country. Steps toward self government and freedom.

2 Magna Carta For centuries, monarch ruled with absolute authority over the English. The people were subjects to the Kings power.

3 Magna Carta By the 1200’s, English Nobles (those with money and power), were strong enough to challenge the King’s power. In 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.

4 Magna Carta cont… It listed the rights that the King could not take away. These included the right to a fair trial and to travel freely. It was an important step in gaining freedom for all English citizens.

5 Magna Carta cont… This was the first time the monarch’s power had been limited. Originally intended for nobles only, the rights were eventually given to all English citizens, including the colonists.

6 The English Bill of Rights
A representative government was made. (Parliament) Over time Parliament became more powerful than the monarchy. In 1689, Parliament passed the English Bill of Rights.

7 English Bill of Rights cont…
The monarch could no longer collect taxes without Parliament’s permission or limit free speech. Listed the rights of all English citizens, not just nobles. Also included right to petition and other rights that are included in our Constitution.

8 Mayflower Compact Nov. 11, 1620 the Mayflower is anchored in the Boston Harbor. 102 Passengers were aboard, most seeking religious freedom. Others were seeking wealth.

9 Mayflower Compact In order to survive they would have to work together. They had to establish laws. They signed an agreement called the Mayflower compact.

10 Mayflower Compact In the world at that time, laws were imposed on people by the monarch. This was one of the first steps toward self government.

11 Timeline of Events In 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. 1620 The colonist signed the Mayflower compact. 1689 John Locke starts publishing his theories. 1748 Spirit of the Laws was published. (Montesquieu) 1765 Stamp Act Passed and Repealed 1770 Boston Massacre 1773 Tea Act and Boston Tea Party

12 Timeline Continued 1774 Intolerable act Passes and First Continental Congress. 1775 Shot heard round the world. Revolution begins. Second Continental Congress meets. July 4, 1776 U.S. Declares Independence. Nov Articles of Confederation approved. 1781 British surrender at Yorktown.

13 Time Line Continued 1783 Britain recognizes America as Independent.
May 1787 the Constitutional Convention begins. Sept Constitution ratified.

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