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1 wise guys presentation
katie p, katie k, cameron, nkem

2 This is a paper about the constitution
This is a paper about the constitution. Our names are Katie,p Katie,K Cameron and nkem. Our team name is the wise guys. We will be talking about constitution and how it was made!!! Also what about it that made it seem special!!!

3 kwl chart what we know what we want to learn what we did learn
It starts with we the what were the first laws? We know that jhonathan we the people Dayton,Roger Sherman, how did they come up with William Jackson,Ben is on paper them? Franklin and, George Washington all signed the They are the first laws constitution. are country who came up with the laws? that the state governments can't make their own money. the president's term is from 2-4 years.

4 mission 2: Amendment preamble Democracy republic Federal system
The act of attending or the state of being amended. preamble An introductory statement;preface;introduction. Democracy A state having such a form of government. republic Any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. Federal system Of relating to, or nothing such a central government.

5 mission 3:Part one, Describe the events that led up to the creation of the constitution? 1 quartering and stamp act: was that the colonists had to pay taxes on stamps. 2 sugar act: They had to pay more taxes on sugar. 3 revolutionary war: People were shot on this day.

6 Mission 3:Part two insure domestic tranquility establish justice
What were three reasons that the people created the constitution? 1 insure domestic tranquility 2 establish justice 3 provide for the common defense,

7 Mission 4/ the legislative branch,
Section 1: The congress Who has the power to make laws? The house of representatives and the senate who are the congress have the power to make the laws today. section 2: The house of Representatives How are these members elected? how long is there term? The house is elected by the people, there term is for 2-4 years!

8 mission 4/part two Section 3: The senate section 9:powers denied to congress How long is a senator’s term? what powers does congress not have The senator’s term is for 6 years congress can’t make any laws that unfairly limit basic rights! section 8:granted to Congress congress has the power to? 1.pass laws, Section 10: powers denied to the states people, State goverments do not have the power to: 3.borrow money, Can’t make own money, 4.declare war, Can’t change people's beliefs, 5.general welfare, Can’t create any welth,

9 mission 5: the executive branch
Section 1: office of the president and vice president What power does the president have? how long is the president’s term in office? He has the power to carry out laws of the U.S. His term is for 2- 4 years. how is the president chosen? what are the requirements to be president he is elected by the people! be 35 years old, 2. within the u.s.a. for 14 years, a natral born citzen,

10 mission 5: part 2 section 2: powers granted to the president what are some other duties what are some powers that the president has? of the president? 1.has the power to sign or veto legislative, workers with board of 2.command the armed forces, directors to identify key 3.grant receives and pardons, themes and priorities section 3: duties of the president preside at council what is the state of the union address? meetings. It is the president of the united states to joint session of the section 4: removal from office united states congress How can a president be removed from office? by impeachment

11 mission 6: The judicial branch
section 1: federal courts section 3: the crime of who has the power to make decision in courts of law treason the judge makes the choice in the courts of law what is treason as defined by the constitution, section 2: power of federal courts the crime of betraying, federal courts have the legal authority over? one's country, 1.if a law is uscontinal, who decides on the 2.state appeals and all governing bodies, punishment for treason, 3.state statutes, the judge cam,

12 mission 7: relations among the states
Section 2: rights of citizens 2.what are all citizens guaranteed when visiting other states you are guaranteed equal treatment and it allows you to move to all states freely 2. if a person is charged with a crime and flees to another state what happens if that person is caught? he goes back to the state he got in trouble in and the they give him a trial and see if he is guilty section 3: treatment of new states and territories who lets new states become part of the u.s.? the u.s. congress lets new state become part of the u.s

13 mission 7/part two/mission 8
Section 4:Guaranteed to the States what does the federal government guaranteed to the states? The federal government guarantees a republican form of government, and protection from invasion. Mission 8:Amending the constitution what are two ways to make amendments to the constitution? Whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary shall propose Amendments to the constitution On the application of the legislative of two thirds of the several shots shall call a convention for proposing Amendments.

14 Mission 9: Debts and others
Who is responsible to pay back all depts? The government is responsible to pay back all depts! what document is the “supreme law of land”? The united states constitution. What do all officials have to promise when taking office? They have to promise to support the constitution.

15 Mission 10:Ratification
How many states have to approve the constitution before it becomes a law? 9 of 13 states have to approve the constitution. What date was this document approved by the constitutional convention? september 17,1787 Who were five people who signed the constitution? 1. Jonathan Dayton George washington 2. Roger sherman 3. Benjamin Franklin 4. william Jackson

16 you will now watch a video constitution on the


18 thank you for whathcing

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