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Mission: why go? ‘the age of sending missionaries is over’ ‘when our numbers are falling here we shouldn’t send people over there’ ‘the age of the mission.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission: why go? ‘the age of sending missionaries is over’ ‘when our numbers are falling here we shouldn’t send people over there’ ‘the age of the mission."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mission: why go?

3 ‘the age of sending missionaries is over’ ‘when our numbers are falling here we shouldn’t send people over there’ ‘the age of the mission agency is dead – churches can now do mission on their own’ What do you think about world mission? Thinking about the world today, do you agree or disagree with these statements?:

4 Paul explains this to Timothy: He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us – Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free. Eventually the news is going to get out. This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth. 1 Timothy 2: 4-7, The Message

5 Crossing frontiers here I am – send me? Q: What do you think mission is? Changing the world? Sharing knowledge? A waste of money? Praying for the sick? Seeing miracles? The unknown? Following Jesus? An adventure? Impossible? The next step? Unnecessary? Imperative? God’s idea?

6 Crossing frontiers here I am – send me? Mission is about… …preaching the gospel …loving your neighbour …caring for the sick …discovering God’s purposes …deepening your relationship with God

7 Crossing frontiers here I am – send me? When you go on mission you have new experiences, meet new people, step out of your comfort zone…and your understanding of God is challenged and developed. Mission shapes us as a Church. Q: What experiences do you have of this?

8 Reverse-flow mission making disciples of all nations 4,800 Brazilians are on mission in 100 countries. Over 44,000 Indians are on mission. Many Christians in the majority world are going on mission. The Baptist Church of Mizoram (BCM) in India explain why they send people on mission…

9 Reverse-flow mission making disciples of all nations “…it is a biblical imperative that our Lord commands us to go and to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. …it is the work of the Holy Spirit. …a long-term mission is a necessity to see results.” BCM missionaries are sent to China, Nepal, Thailand, Bangladesh and five states in India.

10 Reverse-flow mission making disciples of all nations Discussion Q: Have you ever met someone from another country/culture who has come to the UK on mission? Q: How does someone’s different cultural background make it easier/harder to share the gospel?

11 Going to learn a greater understanding of God Now we know something of what mission is about, what makes a mission worker? Q: What would you say are the characteristics of a mission worker?

12 Going to learn a greater understanding of God “I was humbled beyond words at the hospitality we received and I learnt more about forgiveness, reconciliation, regeneration and putting the past behind you than a lifetime in the UK could ever teach me. To see church leaders really demonstrating what it can mean to ‘take up our cross’ will stay with me forever.” Rev Glenda Down (youth pastor of Moortown Baptist Church, Leeds) went to Angola in January 2008 with BMS as part of a women’s ministry team.

13 Going to learn a greater understanding of God “When our teams arrived in India and Brazil we stepped into whole new worlds. The truth is that when you are not in control, you learn to pray, you learn to trust, you learn to rely on God. Being with Christians in the developing world was energising because it opened our eyes to new possibilities.” Rev Steve Finamore is Principal of Bristol Baptist College, which sent two teams through BMS to India and Brazil (where Steve went) in 2008.

14 DIY mission? agencies versus going alone Today, many churches are ‘doing mission themselves’, but is a mission agency still needed?

15 Mission agencies provide… expertise planning preparation and de-briefing support for people from large or small churches long-term personnel around the world. In 2008, BMS facilitated eight Church Teams on their mission trips. DIY mission? agencies versus going alone

16 Snapshots from BMS’ mission history Mission can lead to the changing of a heart, the healing of a hurt, and the rewriting of history. Be inspired for mission today by taking a look at some examples from BMS’ mission history…

17 Snapshots from BMS’ mission history In 1903, pioneer missionaries, Lorrain and Savidge, started work in Mizoram, India. They preached the gospel in a way understandable to the local culture, and helped the scattered believers to disciple one another. Within a lifetime, the tribes had become a missionary-sending people.

18 Snapshots from BMS’ mission history BMS sent women to work especially with women in India, China and other countries. They taught crafts, literacy and explained the gospel. Here they are in Xian, China, 1910. David Stockley was an agricultural missionary. He taught farmers new methods to help increase their crop yield in a sustainable way. Here is David having tea after making a smokeless Chula (fireplace) in Khulna, Bangladesh, 1955.

19 Bible reflection As we grow in God, we learn more of his heart. Q: What is on God’s heart? What is his mission?

20 Bible reflection Being a follower of Jesus is to participate in God’s mission. “As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’’’ (Matthew 10: 7)

21 Bible reflection But we do not go alone. Q: What help and promises does God give us? Take a look at Acts 1: 8; Luke 11: 9; John 14: 12.

22 Bible reflection “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Isaiah 52: 7)

23 Mission Opportunities For more information on how you or others in your church can get involved in mission, take a look at


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