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Some information on CPWF Phase 2. Preliminary information on Phase 2 Information in this PPT is preliminary Fuller and more definitive information will.

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Presentation on theme: "Some information on CPWF Phase 2. Preliminary information on Phase 2 Information in this PPT is preliminary Fuller and more definitive information will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some information on CPWF Phase 2

2 Preliminary information on Phase 2 Information in this PPT is preliminary Fuller and more definitive information will be posted in early July on the CPWF web site – Call for proposals – Submission guidelines – Basin priorities (as described in Medium-Term Plan 2008-2010)

3 Number of projects Phase 1 – 6-12 or more projects per basin, plus BFPs Phase 2 – 3-5 projects per basin

4 Research agenda for a basin Phase 1 – Seemingly unrelated projects, not necessarily a coherent research agenda at the basin level Phase 2 – Projects to be interrelated and coordinated, focusing on a well-defined basin development challenge

5 Research locations Phase 1 – Pretty much anywhere in the basin, and at any scale Phase 2 – Research concentrated in a smaller defined area

6 Coordination model Phase 1 – Basin coordinator did not have much influence over individual projects in a basin Phase 2 – Basin leader will have stronger coordination role: project leaders report to Basin leader – Basin leader in turn reports to one of the CPWF Directors

7 Catchment x whole basin Phase 1 – Whole basin consequences of innovation not systematically studied (some projects did, others did not) Phase 2 – Research on whole basin consequences of innovation to be systematically included in one of the 3-5 projects

8 Cross-basin learning Phase 1 – Cross basin learning not emphasized Phase 2 – Cross-basin learning to be encouraged through “topic working groups”

9 Phase 2 topic working groups Foster cross-basin learning and sharing Synthesize experiences gained in different basins Strengthen the science Apply lessons learned to further improve research in basins Provide capacity for cross-scale analysis within basins Iterative learning process

10 Basin development challenge for Limpopo (preliminary) Rainwater management and small reservoirs in Mozambique, southern Zimbabwe and Limpopo Province of South Africa

11 Projects and research questions (preliminary) Project on technical and institutional innovation – What is the potential of dry season agricultural irrigation, and what associated technologies would be needed to further enhance water productivity? – What is the contribution of livestock and fisheries to rainwater productivity at each study site, and in what ways can this be improved? – How can livestock-associated land degradation be reduced and managed, particularly around livestock watering points? – In what ways would the adoption of small-scale reservoirs enable diversification for increased social and ecological resilience? – What mix of formal and social institutions is needed to build, maintain and sustain small reservoirs and multiple use systems?

12 Projects and research questions (preliminary) Project on targeting innovation and understanding its consequences – Across the Limpopo Basin as a whole, what RWM techniques work best where, depending on soil type, topography and rainfall? – What would the economic benefits of such adoption be were small reservoirs constructed at suitable sites across the basin? – If the proposed RWM system were adopted, in what ways would it affect basin water flows?

13 Projects and research questions (preliminary) Project on scaling out – What marketing outlets exist for outputs resulting from the adoption of small reservoirs, and how can they best be exploited? – What are the constraints to technological uptake at each of the study sites, and how can these be overcome? – Is it possible to identify social and institutional characteristics that suggest that a community is more likely to adopt an innovation than another?

14 Projects and research questions (preliminary) Project on coordination and multi-stakeholder platforms – Managed by the Basin Leader


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