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Linking Systems of Care Cross Site Conversation September 24, 2015 Facilitated by: Eryn Branch, Program Director, NCJFCJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Systems of Care Cross Site Conversation September 24, 2015 Facilitated by: Eryn Branch, Program Director, NCJFCJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Systems of Care Cross Site Conversation September 24, 2015 Facilitated by: Eryn Branch, Program Director, NCJFCJ

2 WELCOME  Purpose  Introductions

3 The Sites MontanaVirginia

4 Montana

5 Virginia

6 Site Contacts Montana  Julie Fischer  Juvenile Justice Specialist  Nicole Camp  Program Manager  Dr. June Ellestad  Project Coordinator  Dr. Dustin Hollist  Principal Investigator Virginia  Nancy Fowler  Program Manager  Laurie Crawford  Project Manager  Jenna Foster  Project Co-Convener  Calvin Nunnally  Project Specialist  Monique Williams  Project Specialist

7 State specific information Montana  Montana is home to seven Indian reservations  46 of 56 counties are considered frontier counties  Fourth largest state with 44 th largest population Virginia  Government employment has replaced tobacco sales as state’s number one industry  12 th largest state in population  71.5 % Urban and 28.5% Rural

8 Recent Activities Montana  Completed a Systems of Care literature review and annotated bibliography  Completed 13 non-tribal listening sessions/focus groups Virginia  Completed stakeholder survey  Scheduled and developed agendas for 5 regional systems mapping events

9 Upcoming Activities Montana  Conduct 7 tribal focus groups  Conduct victimization screening tool analysis  Distribute statewide gap/needs survey Virginia  Launch organizational readiness survey  Complete 5 Regional systems mapping events  Develop screening tool

10 Examples of TA Requests Montana  Research on models of Implementation Plans  Statewide Resource Guide  Screening tools samples Virginia  Compilation and summation of stakeholder survey results  Develop agenda and activities for regional mapping events  Recommendations on organizational readiness survey

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