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Welcome To Fifth Grade Curriculum Night at Warner Upper Elementary Warner Way: Responsibility, Safety, and Respect.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Fifth Grade Curriculum Night at Warner Upper Elementary Warner Way: Responsibility, Safety, and Respect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Fifth Grade Curriculum Night at Warner Upper Elementary Warner Way: Responsibility, Safety, and Respect

2 Mini Biography about Me This is my 14 th year of teaching and I love coming to work every day! I attended Madonna University where I earned both my teaching certificate and masters degree I am married to Kyle and we have 1 daughter, Mailen We have two dogs, Molly and Moe

3 Communication With Parents Newsletters: Once a month on the wiki (written by your children and put up on the wiki) and Teachers at least bi- monthly Self-Reflection: Weekly by student Daily Planners-homework assignment books E-mail: donald.staulter@

4 Behavior Management Respect, Responsibility, Safety 1,2,3 (3 warning and then a caution slip, to be signed by parent) 1,2,3 (3 more and go see the counselor and fill out a think sheet) 1,2,3 (3 more and go see the assistant principal, phone call home and think sheet) All think sheets will be filled out at students recess time

5 Homework Make homework a priority Assignments not completed at school become homework A pattern of frequent homework could mean poor time management in class Monitor your child’s work quality to make sure it reflects their “best effort” Home work will be graded on a point basis Tests, quizzes, and projects will be graded on a percentage

6 Delivering the Curriculum Mr. Staulter- Reading and Social Studies Mrs. Vertrees- Math and Science We will both teach writing and spelling to our classes Differentiation: Pre-assessments Tiered Assignments (same assignment but at different ability levels) Minilessons (reader’s and writer’s workshop style) Words Their Way (working with word patterns)

7 Reading Is The Key Set a good example at home by reading along with your child whenever possible Students need to read at home and in school if they are to become powerful readers Students need to become fluent readers Students need to develop skills to improve comprehension and fluency

8 Instructional Approaches To Reading-Reader’s Workshop Shared Reading (whole class) Guided Reading (instructional level, flexible groups) Independent Reading (“just right” books, conferencing, reading records, goal setting) Flexible groups (based on need, interest, etc.) Mini-lessons ( word study, author’s craft) Focus on meaning (think deeply, monitor comprehension, discussions) Monitor progress (journaling, response questions, letters)

9 Writer’s Workshop-6+1 Traits Writing across the curriculum Genre writing- personal narratives, persuasive, research, poetry, etc. Writing process 6+1 Traits rubric- gives students and teachers a common language for discussion Traits- Ideas/Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions and Presentation (+1)

10 Lunch and Specials Schedule Lunch/Recess 11:40-12:30 (M-F) Purple and White days Schedule changes for some after each trimester

11 Closing Remarks I make allowances for quirky behaviors Students choose their behaviors and thus the consequences of those behaviors (these are clearly stated ahead of time) I make mistakes too, and am quick to apologize when necessary I will motivate and inspire your children to put forth their best effort at all times I will work diligently to meet the individual needs of each student everyday Each of your children is a unique and valuable asset to our class room community

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