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Presentation on theme: "ORIGINAL BY WENDY LIU CURRENT API: Java Servlet and JSP 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline HTTP Servlet Basics „ Servlet Lifecycle „ Request and Response „ Session Management „ JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2

3 Servlet Basics 3 Servlet API „ javax.servlet „  Support generic, protocol-independent servlets „  Servlet (interface) „  GenericServlet (class) „ service() „  ServletRequest and ServletResponse „ Provide access to generic server requests and responses „ javax.servlet.http „  Extended to add HTTP-specific functionality „  HttpServlet (extends GenericServlet ) „ doGet() „ doPost() „  HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse „ Provide access to HTTP requests and responses

4 User-defined Servlets 4 Inherit from HttpServlet „ Override doGet() and doPost() „  To handle GET and POST requests „ Has no main() method

5 doGet() and doPost() 5 protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) protected void doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)

6 HelloWorld 6 import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println(“ "); out.println(“ hello world "); out.println(“ "); out.println(“ hello world "); out.println(“ ”); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { doGet(req,res); }

7 Handling GET and POST Request 7

8 End-to-end Process 8 „ Client „  Makes a request to a servlet „ Web Server „  Receives the request „  Identifies the request as a servlet request „  Passes the request to the servlet container „ Servlet Container „  Locates the servlet „  Passes the request to the servlet „ Servlet „  Executes in the current thread „  The servlet can store/retrieve objects from the container „  Output is sent back to the requesting browser via the web server „  Servlet continues to be available in the servlet container

9 Servlet Container 9 Provide web server with servlet support „  Execute and manage servlets „  E.g., Tomcat „ Must conform to the following lifecycle contract „  Create and initialize the servlet „  Handle zero or more service calls from clients „  Destroy the servlet and then garbage collect it „ Three types „  Standalone container „  Add-on container „  Embeddable container „ Usually execute all servlets in a single JVM

10 Loading the Servlet 10 „ Server calls servlet’s init() method „  After the server constructs the servlet instance and before the servlet handles any requests „  init() „  Servlet initialization is defined „  May be called … „ When the server starts „When the servlet is first requested, just before the service() method is invoked „ At the request of the server administrator

11 Removing a Servlet 11 „ Server calls the destroy() method „  After the servlet has been taken out of service and all pending requests to the servlet have completed or timed out „  destroy() „  Resources acquired should be freed up „  A chance to write out its unsaved cached info „  Last step before being garbage collected

12 Servlet Instance Persistance 12 Servlets persist between requests as object instances „ When servlet is loaded, the server creates a single instance „ The single instance handles every request made of the servlet „  Improves performance in three ways „  Keeps memory footprint small „  Eliminates the object creation overhead „  Enables persistence „ May have already loaded required resources

13 Servlet Thread Model 13

14 A Simple Counter 14 import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class SimpleCounter extends HttpServlet { int count = 0; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/plain"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); count++; out.println("Since loading, this servlet has been accessed " + count + " times."); }

15 Multi-threading 15 Each client request is another thread that calls the servlet via the service(), doGet(), and doPost() methods

16 Thread safety 16 Non-local variables are not thread-safe „  Variables declared within a class but outside any specific method „  May cause data corruption and inconsistencies „  In the example „ count ++ // thread 1 „ count ++ // thread 2 „ out.println // thread 1 „ out.println // thread 2 „ Local variables are thread-safe „  Variables declared within a method

17 Synchronization 17 Place code within a synchronization block „  Guaranteed not to be executed concurrently by another thread „ Before any thread begins to execute synchronized code „  A monitor (lock) must be obtained on a specified object instance „  If one thread already has the monitor, all other threads must wait „ Use only when necessary „  Reduced parallelism „  Increased overhead to obtain the monitor

18 SimpleCounter has four options 18 Option 1 public synchronized void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) „ Option 2 PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); synchronized(this) { count++; out.println("Since loading, this servlet has been accessed " + count + " times."); } „ Option 3 (the best) PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); int local_count; synchronized(this) { local_count = ++count; } out.println("Since loading, this servlet has been accessed " + count + " times."); „ Option 4 „ Don’t care; I can live with the inconsistency

19 Request and Response 19 HttpServletRequest „  Encapsulate all information from the client request „  HTTP request header and request body „  Methods to retrieve data „  Inherited from ServletRequest „ getParameter() „ getParameterNames() „ getParameterValues() „ getInputStream() „ getReader()

20 Request and Response 20 HttpServletResponse „  Encapsulate all data to be returned to client „  HTTP response header and response body (optional) „  Set HTTP response header „  Primitive manipulation „ setStatus(), setHeader(), addHeader() „  Convenience methods „ setContentType(), sendRedirect(), sendError() „  Set HTTP response Body „ Obtain a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream to return data to the client „ getWriter(), getOutputStream()

21 GET versus POST 21 GET „  All form parameters are embedded in the URL „  If you reload, or bookmark and return, the query will get executed a second time with the same parameters „  Bad if page is a credit card order confirmation – 2 charges! „  Use GET to obtain info „ POST „  Form parameters are included in the request body „  On reload „  Browser will ask if it should re-post „  On bookmark and return „  Query will proceed with no parameters „  Use POST to change state

22 Session Management 22 Provide state between HTTP requests „  Client-side „  Cookies „  Hidden variables „  URL rewriting „  User authentication „ getRemoteUser() „ Provided by HttpServletRequest „  Server-side „  Servlet’s built-in session tracking

23 Persistent Cookies 23 Stored at the browser „  As name=value pairs „  Browsers limit the size of cookies „  Users can refuse to accept them „ Attached to subsequent requests to the same server „ Servlets can create cookies „  Included in the HTTP response header

24 Adding a Cookie 24 „ Cookie „  Cookie(String name, String value) „  setMaxAge(int expiry) „  setDomain(String pattern) „  setPath(String uri) „  setSecure(boolean flag) „ HttpServletResponse „  addCoockie(Cookie cookie) „ MaxAge „ o Given in seconds „ o If negative, cookie persists until browser no longer exists „ Domain „ o Return cookie to servers matching the specified domain pattern „ o By default, only return to the server that sent it „ Path „ o Where the client should return the cookie „ o Visible to all the pages in the specified directory and subdirectory „ Secure flag „ o Send cookie only on secure channels

25 Retrieving Cookies 25 „ HttpServletRequest „  public Cookie[] getCookies() „ Cookie „  getName() „  getValue() „  getDomain() „  getPath() „  getSecure()

26 Servlet’s built-in session tracking 26 Session tracking API „  Devoted to servlet session tracking „ Most servers support session tracking „  Through the use of persistent cookies „  Able to revert to URL rewriting when cookies fail „  Servlet uses the token to fetch session state „ Session objects are maintained in memory „  Some servers allow them to be written to file system or database as memory fills up or when server shuts down „  Items in the session need to be serializable

27 Session tracking basics 27 „Every user of a site is associated with a javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object „  To store and retrieve information about the user „ Retrieve the current HttpSession object  public HttpSession HttpServletRequest.getSession() „  Creates one if no valid session found

28 Session Attributes 28 „To add data to a session object  public void HttpSession.setAttribute(String name, Object value) „ To retrieve an object from a session  public Object HttpSession.getAttribute(String name) „ To get the names of all objects in a session  public Enumeration HttpSession.getAttributeNames() „ To remove an object from a session  public void HttpSession.removeAttribute(String name) „ Deprecated methods since API 2.2 (do not use) „  putValue(), getValue(); getValueNames(); removeValue()

29 Session lifecycle 29 „Sessions do not last forever „  Expire automatically due to inactivity „  Default 30 min „  Explicitly invalidated by servlet „ When session expires (or is invalidated) „  The HttpSession object and its data values are removed

30 HttpSession lifecycle methods 30 boolean isNew() „  Returns true if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session „ void invalidate() „  Invalidates this session then unbinds any objects bound to it „ long getCreationTime() „  Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT „ long getLastAccessedTime() „  Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT, and marked by the time the container received the request

31 Setting Session timeout 31 Setting default session timeout „  Deployment descriptor, web.xml „  Applies to all sessions created in the given web application 30 „ 30 Configured individually  public void HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(int secs)  public int HttpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval() „ Terminating a session „  session.invalidate() „  Deletes session related attributes form server „  Removes cookie from client

32 ServletContext 32 Reference to the web application in which servlets execute „  One ServletContext for each app on the server „  Allow servlets to access server information  ServletContext GenericServlet.getServletContex() „ Using ServletContext, servlets can „  Log events „  Obtain URL references to resources „  Access to initialization parameters (in web.xml) „  Share attributes with other servlets in the context „  Not thread safe

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