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MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003.

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1 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

2 Policy and strategy for environment protection Policy and strategy for industry development Policy and strategy for consumer protection Policy and strategy for quality infrastructure development MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

3 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Basic tools for free movement of goods technical regulations which transposes European Directives standardization accreditation the third party certification testing metrology market surveillance International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

4 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003 GOVERNMENT Ministry for European Integration Ministry of Justice Ministry of Economy and Trade Ministry of agriculture Quality infrastructure Standardadization Accreditation Metrology

5 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Activities for supporting the transposition: seminars/workshops projects for technical assistence guidelines exchange of experience between experts International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

6 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Law no.608/2001 on products conformity assessment, as amended Governmental Decision no.71/2001 on the procedures used in the product conformity assessment process within the regulated fields provided for in Law no.608/2001 on product conformity assessment and rules for affixing and use of the conformity marking (decision 93/465) Governmental Decision no.487/2002 on designation and notification process of laboratories and bodies Governmental Decision no.1587/2000 on measures for setting up and performance of exchange of information in the field of standards and tehnical regulations between Romania, Member States of UE and EC (directive 98/48)

7 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Principles concerning the national standardization (Law No 355/2002 on the national standardization activity) developing and approving of the national standards on the consensus of the interested parties; transparency and public availability; representation of public interests; voluntary character of participation to the national standardization activity and application of national standards; free access for all interested parties to the development of the national standards; independence of any possible dominant specific interest; abidance by the European and international standardization rules; development of the national standardization correlated with the evolution of the legislation. International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

8 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA European and international ASRO activity Affiliate member of CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) Affiliate member of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) Affiliate member of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Full member of ISO (International Standardization Organization) Member of CEI (International Electrotechnical Commission) International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

9 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Strategy for adoption of the European standards 2002-2003 The adoption of all the European harmonized standards up to the end of 2003, correlated with the adoption and implementation ofeach Directive in the New Approach by the responsible Ministries. The adoption, also up to the end of 2003 of, at least 80% of the total of European standards (harmonized and not harmonized) in order to meet the condition of becoming a CEN, respectively CENELEC member. International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

10 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Number of standards adopted - September 2003- CEN standards : 6931 (80,6%) CENELEC standards : 2652(56,7%) ETSI standards: 931 (58,69%) Harmonized standards implemented: 2035 (81,43%) –ISO standards: 4009 –CEI standards: 701 The method used for adoption: Translation: 4484 Cover sheet: 6563 International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

11 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Princilples of accreditation activity (Law No. 245/2002 on the accreditation activity) public transparency and availability; representation of the public interest; voluntary character; independence from the possible predomination of any specific interests; participation of the specialized bodies of the public administration; impartially treatment of the appeals; harmonization with the European and international accreditation rules of procedure; free access to accreditation of all the appellants, with no discrimination; providing confidentiality and protection of the commercial secrets; the application of the national standards in the series SR EN 45000, SR EN ISO 9000 and SR EN ISO 14000 as well as of those related to these; non lucrative character of the national accreditation body. International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

12 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA The national accreditation body-RENAR founding member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, ILAC, since 1996 full member of International Accreditation Forum, IAF, since 2002 full member of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, EA, since 1998 International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

13 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Results of the accreditation activity - 220 test laboratories -1 calibration laboratory -12 certification bodies for the quality management systems -3 certification bodies for the environment management systems -15 product certification bodies -2 personnel certification bodies -6 inspection bodies  Only the accredited laboratories/bodies can be designated/notified by the Romanin competent authorities International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

14 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA International activity in the field of metrology Romania, through Romanian Bureau of Metrology is: member of International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), since 1883 member of International organization of Legal metrology (OIML), since 1956 associate member of European Cooperation of Legal Metrology (WELMEC), since 1996. International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 2003

15 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA National Authority for Consumer Protection-ANPC total number of specialists: 750, 42 subordinated territorial offices over 90% of the employees with high degree of education. International Seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 20

16 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE ROMANIA Conclusions : coherent strategies and policies setting of the priorities clearly defined principles, procedures and rules properly development of the infrastructure cooperation at national and international level International seminar on Good Regulatory Practices and Regional Experience Geneva, 10-11 November 20


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