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What do you appreciate about the pastors? Pastor Howard prays over people to help them heal and is so caring.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you appreciate about the pastors? Pastor Howard prays over people to help them heal and is so caring."— Presentation transcript:


2 What do you appreciate about the pastors?


4 Pastor Howard prays over people to help them heal and is so caring.

5 Pastor Howard always has a smile on his face bringing laughter and joy to the people around him.

6 I appreciate Pastor Howard’s humour

7 I appreciate that Pastor Howard always has our back and is teaching us to try new things.

8 Pastor Howard, he's a cool dude.

9 Pastor Howard is helpful to the people in the church that need healing prayers.

10 Pastor Howard has a real gift for leading people to the Lord and helps others to do the same thing.

11 Pastor Howard accepted me for who I am but is helping me change with God’s help.

12 Pastor Howard is a fun loving guy who loves to bring laughter into any situation. But he also has a serious side to him that shows concern for people and helps them feel better about themselves.

13 I appreciate about Pastor Howard that he's a very caring, friendly individual that makes people laugh and prays for people to get God to help heal them

14 Pastor Howard & Joyce... How much we love your energy and gifting that you continually pour out for all of us, and especially for the Lord!



17 Pastor Bob is a caring person who will help you in anyway he can.

18 Pastor Bob always went the extra mile for me. He was always there to help me through the trying times in my life.

19 Pastor Bob is caring and a great man in the community

20 I appreciate Pastor Bob’s wisdom

21 Pastor Bob. There aren't enough words to say how much you and Anne are loved. You pour our, and pour out and pour out some more. Please be wise in the spending of your energy. We want you here for a long, long time our brother.

22 I appreciate the strong example that Pastor Bob shows to us

23 Pastor Bob is so unselfish, he always thinks of others needs above his own and therefore is being Christ like for all to see in everything he does.

24 Pastor Bob has a quirky sense of humour.

25 Pastor Bob has the heart and the love that brings light into this crazy world we live in and encourages hope for all

26 I appreciate about Pastor Bob that he takes time out of his busy schedule to just sit and talk to anyone that just needs someone to talk to or to do a session with someone who needs help and to get their life back on track or to show them the path with God to get started. And he's a very caring pastor.

27 Pastor Bob, you are a gift from God to our church & this community

28 Pastor Bob Thank you for giving to the Lord… I am a life that was changed

29 Everything you do is a reflection of what’s in your heart; a tremendous love of the Lord and a passion for serving Him


31 Both pastors

32 I appreciate how they listen to the Holy Spirit in our services and just let it flow, only God's agenda

33 I appreciate their unconditional love and acceptance.

34 Some people have left speechless! The help and care is beyond anything! but the laughing is always there too! People who gently care and lovingly place boundaries! And are just as excited as you when things go well for you!!

35 I appreciate that both are approachable and they both are not afraid to get their hands dirty so to speak when help is needed...

36 I appreciate both Pastors for their caring attitude towards those who are ill. Pastor Bob surprised me with a gift basket at Thanksgiving, something I definitely didn't expect at all. Also both Pastors call me up to see how I am doing and just to pray for me over the phone. They are a blessing to all who know them.


38 for your spiritual leadership and guidance - our congregation is all the more blessed for it.

39 for your compassion and empathy, willingly given in our times of need - your words of wisdom and unwavering faith uplift us.

40 for your selfless example - you give of your time at a moment's notice... to people from all walks of life and circumstances.

41 for a myriad of wonderful qualities - your voice of reason and the courage of your faith and conviction steadfast and determined to see the best in everyone..

42 for making a difference in ways that put Jesus on display for everyone to see.

43 Our congregation is blessed. For the significant role that you play, we say thank you always and everyday.

44 May God continue to bless your ministry



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