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Colonial Beginnings Virginia Maryland Carolinas Cause and Effect Chains: British Colonization in the New World English Protestantism Queen Elizabeth.

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2 Colonial Beginnings Virginia Maryland Carolinas

3 Cause and Effect Chains: British Colonization in the New World English Protestantism Queen Elizabeth I Spanish Success in the New World Enclosures Primogeniture English Colonial Failures Economic Depression Joint Stock Company Peace with Spain

4 Virginia - Jamestown Colony 1607 The Trading Post Model The Death Trap Syndrome Tidal River Explanation: Fecal pollutants Swamps: malaria Summers were the dying time The Starving Time Anglo Powhatan Wars 1610-14 1622 1644-46 The Survivor Show Model 1500 of 8000 by 1624 The Economic Problems Younger Son Syndrome Early economic thrust Tobacco John Rolfe, Santo Domingo Output 1618-30,000 lbs 1627:500,000 lbs Indentured Servitude 3 Schemes 1612, 1616, 1624

5 Planter Indentured Servant Relationships Planter Negative incentives Use of Force Don’t work well Positive incentives Offered tools shorter contracts Very common and effective Indentured Servant 7 Years No incentive to work hard

6 1619 the Year of Change The Virginia government model established: The Virginia House of Burgesses - 1st American Representative government Colonial permanency Boat load of women arrive - Changing labor scheme: Shipment of Africans (Dutch traders)

7 Virginia Social, Political, and Economic Evolution Virginians shared a low quality of life prior to 1642 1642 8,000 residents Enter: Sir William Berkeley 1675- 40,000 Cavalier migration Royalist immigrants Many servant-immigrants ages 15-24 During this period a ruling elite evolved from the Royalist families who controlled Virginia government

8 Maryland Catholic Elite Attempted manorial system Tobacco as a cash crop Backcountry farmers - Protestants Gain political superiority Restoration Colonies Carolinas South Coastal West Indies link rice and indigo Barbados slave code Inland North: Virginia farmers tobacco

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