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Welcome Parents!. Ms. Hendrick: Reading, Writing, & Social Studies Mrs. Volden: Math, Science & Technology *Please feel free to contact the appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents!. Ms. Hendrick: Reading, Writing, & Social Studies Mrs. Volden: Math, Science & Technology *Please feel free to contact the appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents!

2 Ms. Hendrick: Reading, Writing, & Social Studies Mrs. Volden: Math, Science & Technology *Please feel free to contact the appropriate academic teacher regarding any academic concerns. Meet the teachers!

3 Ms. Hendrick: Mrs. Volden: Stay updated on what’s going on in 4 th grade and our class! Save to desktop at home for quick and easy access. Find important information such as HW assignments, weekly spelling lists, upcoming events, contact info., and cool links! Class Websites

4 Wednesday folders Vital part of parent/teacher communication Will give a weekly update of your child’s performance Please sign and return the EMPTY folder to school every THURSDAY. (counted as a HW assignment) ***Do not put parent notes, HW or corrected work in Wed. folder.

5 Homework… Homework… Reinforce, reinforce, reinforce! Intended to reinforce concepts learned in class Student’s responsibility to copy from Ms. Hendrick’s HW board. Reading logs due every FRIDAY. Math HW due THURSDAY.

6 Grading Guidelines 50% minor grades (daily work, homework, quizzes, participation, etc.) 50% major grades (tests, projects, etc.) Grades will be posted on Parent Connect. Check OFTEN!!!

7 Corrected Work Is intended to ACCURATELY reflect your child’s performance and understanding Grades LESS THAN 70% may be corrected for additional credit. Daily work may be corrected at home. Major grades (tests, benchmarks, etc.) must be corrected IN CLASS. The two grades will then be averaged.

8 Missing and late work… MISSING work will be calculated as a ZERO in GradeSpeed until it is turned in and graded. Late work: Points will be deducted for being turned in late Missing, late and/or corrected work must be turned in within the grading period.

9 Parent Connect… Stay informed!!! Please stay informed of your child’s current grades by accessing Parent Connect from the Klein I.S.D. website. If you have questions regarding grades, please contact the appropriate academic teacher. Sign up tonight!!!

10 Read, Read, Read!!! DAILY reading at home is essential for your child’s fluency and vocabulary development, which in turn, helps writing!!! Your child needs to have a chapter book, from home or library, with them in class EVERY day. Library day is Thursday.

11 …more reading!!! Ways to encourage reading at home… –Read to them –Read with them –Have them read to you –let them see YOU read –ASK them about their reading –Help them find things THEY might be interested in reading about

12 s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g Spelling tests will be given every FRIDAY. New spelling lists will be given on MONDAYS. The weekly spelling list can be accessed from Ms. Hendrick’s class website.

13 Add it up!! Math HW will be given on MONDAY and is due every THURSDAY. First in Math may be done at home or during school hours. Corrections for Mrs. Volden must follow the format discussed in class.

14 We’re not above charity! We’re not above charity! A few items we can’t seem to keep enough of… –Sticky notes (we use a lot of these!) –EXPO (dry erase) markers –Hand sanitizer –Small items for treasure box (stickers, notepads, etc.) –#2 pencils –White construction paper –Index cards –Colored pencils/markers

15 Field Trip to Wunderlich Farm Annual 4 th grade field trip Wed., Jan. 23, 2013 We will start hounding you to volunteer closer to the date.

16 Parent Conference Day Tues., Nov. 6th Conferences will be held with both teachers. We’re almost booked up! ~20 minute increments. Please verify your time slot if you’ve already signed up.

17 Student behavior… Behavior will be documented on a weekly conduct card that will go home every week in Wed. folders. This gives parents a break down of areas that may need improvement. Please leave them in the folder. Please help us reinforce positive behavior at home!

18 Be positive! All-Star Behavior Bingo Tickets Treasure box Character Brag Board in hallway

19 Contact us! School: 832-484-6200 Email is best!Email is best! Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions and/or concerns. We look forward to working with you this year!

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