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ReligionReligion  Religion consists of a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.

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2 ReligionReligion

3  Religion consists of a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.  Religions establish beliefs and values that define how people worship the divine being or divine forces.  There are two important components to remember when studying religions: ◦ Every person in the world has the right to worship whatever god they wish in any way they wish to choose or not to worship any god at all. ◦ No matter what your religion is, it is important to remember that most people in the world believe in religions that are different than yours.

4  Monotheistic: a belief in one God  Polytheistic: a belief in many Gods  Animistic: a belief in divine forces in nature  SPREAD OF RELIGION  Religions spread across the world through diffusion and through converts, people who give up their former beliefs for a new religion.


6 Hinduism

7  History: one of the world’s oldest religions (5,000 years ago) ◦ Based on the religion of the early Indus Valley people and the Aryans.  Area of concentration: India  Number of Followers: over 400 million  Major beliefs: ◦ Belief in Brahman, the supreme world soul or spirit. It is perfection, absolute, eternal, an indescribable being.

8  Reincarnation- every living creature has a soul and must be highly respected. ◦ Souls pass from body to boy until it becomes pure enough to be reunited with Brahman. ◦ Karma regulates the way the soul moves and a person’s deeds will determine the way of their next life. Humans are a product of their past.

9 Buddhism

10  History: Founded by Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha (Enlightened One). ◦ Siddhartha was the son of a major chief. He led a wealthy, sheltered life. ◦ He left home at age 29 to find the meaning of life and after wandering for six years he became enlightened after meditating for 49 days.  Area of Concentration- Korea, China, Tibet, Nepal, and Japan  Number of followers- over 160 million

11  Major Beliefs: ◦ The Four Noble Truths: 1.All mankind suffers 2.Suffering is caused by greed 3.By getting rid of greed, we can end all suffering 4.We can get rid of greed by following the Noble Eightfold Path

12 Four Noble Truths 4. To reach nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path.

13 Judaism

14  Founder: Abraham; made a covenant with God (monotheistic) that the Hebrews would lay claim to the area.  Area of Concentration: Israel, US, some parts of Europe  Number of Followers: 17 million

15 Yahweh’s “Covenant” With His People The Torah  The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible.  The most sacred text in the Jewish religious tradition.  The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible.  The most sacred text in the Jewish religious tradition.

16 Islam

17  History: Founded in 622 AD by Mohammed in Mecca, present day Saudi Arabia.  Muslims are monotheists.  They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they call Allah.  Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, is the word of God.

18  Major Area of Concentration: Middle East, North Africa  Number of Followers: 550 million to 1 billion

19 Religious Book: Koran The Koran is a mixture of Old Testament (Torah), the New Testament (Bible) and the stories of Mohammed. Believe in the same prophets as Judaism and Christianity (ex. Jesus, Moses, Abraham)

20 Christianity

21  History: Founded by Jesus, same prophets as Judaism and Islam.  Major Area of Concentration: North America, South America, Europe  Number of Followers: 2 billion  Major beliefs: Jesus is the son of God, lived on earth, died for their sins, will return to bring all to salvation  Religious Text: Bible; Old Testament (Torah) and stories of Jesus as told by his Disciples New Testament


23  History: Begun by a great Chinese philosopher named Confucius who lived between 551 and 479 BC. ◦ A practical and social religion ◦ More of a code than a creed  Area of Concentration: China  Number of Followers: 160 million

24  History: Began by a man named Lao-Tse, who lived in China in the 600’s BC.  Area of Concentration: China  Number of Followers: 35 million  Major Beliefs: ◦ Man should live according to the “path of nature”. Live a quiet and thoughtful life without strife or passion. ◦ The way to heaven- live the path of nature. ◦ Living a quiet life can lead to an understanding of life and god. ◦ Wealth and power are useless. ◦ Goal or hope of every Daoist- No government, No work, No crime

25 Masculine Active Light Warmth Strong Heaven; Sun Feminine Passive Darkness Cold Weak Earth; Moon

26 AAgnostics AAtheists

27 Non Religions ?

28 BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaism Confucianism Sikhism Type of Religion (mono, poly,ani) Number of Followers World Wide Holy Book Leadership Basic Beliefs Symbol Three Types of Religion Monotheistic: Polytheistic: Animistic:

29 Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Name: Period:

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