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Presented by Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal 1 REVIEW MEETING at ACHARYA J. C. BOSE HALL KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI 27 th October, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal 1 REVIEW MEETING at ACHARYA J. C. BOSE HALL KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI 27 th October, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal 1 REVIEW MEETING at ACHARYA J. C. BOSE HALL KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI 27 th October, 2015

2 2 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL Sl. No. Intervention Approved Financial Outlay Fund released by GoI Fund utilized Unspent balance 1 Block Demonstration 8545.0016550.008575.10605563.4253 2 Asset Building Activities 3425.003591.10529 3 Site Specific Activities 3420.002110.36336 4 Marketing Support 1710.001710.00 TOTAL17100.0016550.0015986.5747563.4253 (Rs. in lakh) PROGRESS DURING 2014-15

3 3 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL Sl. No. Intervention Achievement PhysicalFinancial (Rs. in lakh) 1.Block Demonstration i) Kharif HYV Paddy72800 haRs. 8575.10605 lakh ii) Boro HYV Paddy67356 ha iii) Boro Hybrid Paddy3500 ha iv) Wheat20500 ha 2.Asset Building Activity (Farm Mechanization) FSSM – 20719 nos. OTA-SFI – 19291 nos. Rs. 3591.10529 lakh 3.Site Specific Activity*Rs. 2110.36336 lakh Construction of Irrigation Channel92966.05 RMT Construction of Farm Pond 4544 nos. 4.Marketing Support22500 nos.Rs. 1710.00000 lakh TOTALRs. 15986.5747 lakh *Total irrigation potentiality created:3700 ha PROGRESS DURING 2014-15

4 BENCHMARK YIELD vs. BGREI YIELD OF KHARIF HYV RICE Average yield of BGREI Kharif D/C Plots (2014-15) is 23% over the Benchmark yield Yield in q/ha. KHARIF HYV PADDY YIELD (q/ha.) COMPARISON BETWEEN BGREI & CONTROL PLOTS, 2014-15

5 5 Cluster Demonstration – Rs. 67.73crore Production of Seed – Rs. 8. 4646 crore Distribution of Seed – Rs. 16.9138 crore Nutrient Management & Soil Ameliorants – Rs.8.4645crore Integrated Pest Management – Rs. 6.7716 crore Asset Building Activity – Rs. 33.843 crore Site Specific Needs – Rs. 16.929 crore Marketing Support – Rs. 8.4645 crore Cropping System Based Training – Rs. 1.694 crore Contingency Expenditure – Rs. 1.71 crore GOI APPROVED FINANCIAL OUTLAY Rs. 170.985 crore GOI APPROVED FINANCIAL OUTLAY, 2015-16 INTERVENTIONS BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL BGREI-Rice Rs. 14999.79 lakh BGREI-Wheat Rs. 1927.71 lakh

6 6 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL FUND FLOW Approved Financial Outlay Fund released to State by GoI Fund released to Dte. of Agriculture by State Fund sub-allotted to implementing agencies Central Share State Share Total Central Share State Share Total Central Share State Share Total 8549.25 17098.50 4275.00 NIL 81.26675 NIL 81.26675

7 7 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL 1. Paddy Block Demonstrations: PROGRESS OF BGREI RICE, 2015-16 SRI Method of Cultivation – 1000 ha Direct Seeded Rice (Drum Seeder & Zero Till Seed Drill) – 3000 ha Stress Tolerant vars. – 12100 ha Others - 4300 ha Kharif HYV Paddy Kharif Paddy-Hybrid Maize – 8200 ha Kharif Paddy-HYV Mustard - 8170 ha. Kharif Paddy-Hybrid Mustard–630 ha. Kharif Paddy-Lentil – 5000 ha. Cropping System Approach 12100 ha (28.54%) out of total Kharif D/C area of 42400 ha Submergence Tolerant var. (Swarna Sub-1) in 10100 ha & Moisture Stress Tolerant var. (Sahabhagidhan) in 2000 ha Stress Tolerant Varieties Block Demonstration Approved Physical Target Achievement Kharif HYV Paddy 20400 ha Cropping System 22000 ha Boro HYV Paddy 24300 ha Boro Hybrid Paddy 7000 ha 7000 ha (indent placed) Total 73700 ha49400 ha

8 8 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL Sl. No. InterventionApproved TargetAchievement 2.Asset Building Activity (Farm Mechanization)24389 nos. Preparatory works under progress 3.Site Specific Activity A. Community basis: Construction of Irrigation Channel41500 RMT Construction of Farm Pond 98 nos. Construction of Check Dam 16 nos. B. Individual basis: Plantation of Trees/fruit Plants on field bunds 843.6 ha (40 plants/ha)625 ha 4.Production of Certified Seeds84646 qtls 5. Distribution Seeds i) Hybrid Rice790 qtls ii) Certified Seeds158258 qtls257.40 qtls Sub-total159048 qtls257.40 qtls 6. Cropping System based Training1210 nos. 1 st session completed PROGRESS OF BGREI RICE, 2015-16

9 Sl. No. Component Approved Physical Target Physical Achievement 7. Nutrient Management & Soil Ameliorants Indent placed i) Micro-nutrients108558 ha ii) Bio-fertilizers57000 ha Sub-total165558 ha 8. IPM i) PP Chemicals & Bio-pesticides/ Bio-agents 67716 ha ii) Weedcides 67716 ha Sub-total136816 ha 9 Post Harvest & Marketing Support Preparatory works under progress Farm family level processing yards for sun drying of parboiled paddy @ Rs. 1000/- 3750 nos. Manually operated grain dryer with paddy husk & other biomass as fuel @ Rs. 8000/- 3500 nos. Improved low cost paddy & grain storage structures with concrete brick base and other local resources @ Rs, 5000/- 3829 nos. Sub-total11079 nos. PROGRESS OF BGREI RICE, 2015-16 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL

10 Sl. No. Component Rate of Assistance Unit Approved TargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 2.Cluster Demonstrations Rs. 7500 per ha Ha.1740013.05 Indent placed 3. Distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 1000 per qtls Qtls69300.693 4. Nutrient Management & Soil Ameliorants (Rs./ha) i) Micro-nutrients500Ha265321.3266 5. Asset Building Activities (Rs. per unit)* Preparatory works under progress i) Zero Till Seed Drill15000Nos.110.0165 ii) Multi Crop Thresher40000Nos.170.068 iii) Pump Set10000Nos.36493.649 iv) Power Tiller60000Nos.790.474 Sub-total4.2075 GRAND TOTAL19.2771 PROGRESS OF BGREI WHEAT, 2015-16 * 50% of the project cost for individual beneficiaries BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL (Rs. in crore)

11 11 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL D/C: 1740 MT Subsidy Sale: 693 MT PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI, 2015-16 Maize Hybrid HQPM-1, PAC- 740, JKMH-502 D/C: 205 MT Wheat HYV: RAJ-4120, K-307, CBW-38, HI-1563, DBW-39, HD-2967 Mustard HYV: JD-6 Mustard Hybrid: JKMF-8011 HYV D/C: 57.19 MT Hybrid D/C: 4.41 MT Lentil: WBL-77 D/C: 150 MT Hybrid Paddy ARIZE Prima, ARIZE 6444 Gold Rajlakshmi Boro D/C: 105 MT RequirementVariety Prepositioning has already been started Adoption of stringent pre- distribution quality control measures to ensure standard quality of seed Availability OK Indent placed to WBSSCL well ahead Measures undertaken Cultivation of Pulses in Rice fallow areas (excluding BGREI) Area – 60,000 ha Crops Lentil (Var. WBL-77, Maitrai) Khesari (Var. BIOL- 212) Requirement of seed – 1800 MT Identification of project area and selection of beneficiaries at finalization stage Critical Inputs for D/C & distribution programme

12 12 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL PREPAREDNESS FOR RABI, 2015-16 Obstacles in implementing Boro HYV Paddy D/C & Subsidy Sale: 2. State own production is not sufficient to meet up the total requirement of 17094.06 MT seed of Boro HYVs notified within last 10 years. 3. Lack of availability of slender grain HYVs parallel to IET-4786 & MTU-1010 as per farmers choice. 5. Incapability of NSC, other State Seed Corporation etc to supply suitable newly released HYVs. 4. Only the newly released var. GB-1 (bolder grain) available but insufficient & least acceptable to farmers due to low market price. 1. Restriction on use of HYVs notified beyond 10 years. 6. Farmers rely on tested vars only. Not responsive to subsidy sale of newly released vars.

13 13 BGREI CELL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GOVT. OF WEST BENGAL Issues to be addressed to surmount the hurdles: Exemption of age limit criteria for Paddy HYVs. Allow the State to use popular & established slender grain vars. viz. IET-4786, MTU-1010. Flexibility in diversion of fund under ‘Distribution of Paddy Seed’ towards ‘Block Demonstration’ as per provision of Para 8.2 of NFSM. Forthcoming Boro Season 2015-16: Coming Years: Renotification of popular vars performing consistently & having market demand especially MTU-7029, IET- 4786 & MTU-1010. Enhancement of Breeder seed allocation of slender grain/ stress tolerant (cold/ salt/ submergence/ moisture/) and reduction in gap between ‘indent-allotment-lifting’ status. Testing of new vars through Central Sector Minikit Trial enabling the farmers to judge performance before replacement of established vars. States should have the liberty to decide on varietal selection & other modus operandi since they are contributing equal share. Gradual replacement of older vars to the tune of 33% per annum giving time to the States to get self sufficient through adoption of multi year seed rolling programme. Enhancement of assistance from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 15/- per kg for newly released vars under ‘Distribution Programme’. Flexibility for providing assistance @ Rs. 10/- per kg for Certified seeds of older popular vars performing satisfactorily.


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