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Resources and Power in Post-apartheid South Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources and Power in Post-apartheid South Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources and Power in Post-apartheid South Africa

2 Background Nelson Mandela, first Black African elected president of South Africa,1994. 4 major ethnic groups- blacks, whites, coloreds, and Asians. apartheid, “separateness” policy of racial segregation

3 Definitions Apartheid- the former official South African policy of separating people according to race. Apartheid gave power to whites. Distribution-the way people or things are spread out over space (resources, goods, etc.) Multiracial-made up of people from several different ethnic groups Segregation-the separation of one group of people from another (race). Can involve laws, separate facilities and living areas.


5 The Geographic Setting Most developed 5% of the African population 2/5 of Africa’s manufactured goods ½ of Africa’s minerals – Gold, copper, diamonds = economic powerhouse Mild climate perfect for cash crops Animal life supports tourism

6 Multiracial Society South African blacks came from central Africa 2000 ya Europeans arrived in 1652 – Dutch Boers (farmers) – Afrikaans – Great Britain 1867 – Mixed races –colored – Asians 1860s

7 Political Power in South Africa Today

8 Job Opportunities in South Africa Today

9 Education in South Africa Today

10 Living Conditions in South Africa Today


12 Which parts of the world have been most affected? According to the World Health Organization, sub-Saharan Africa has been most affected. On average, 7.5% of adults in this region are infected. The far southern portion of Africa has been the greatest affected, with between 15% and 39% of adults infected. Which parts of the world have been least affected? Oceania, North Africa, and Southwest Asia have had very low infection rates, with an average of only 0.2% of adults infected. Latin America, the United States, Canada, Southeastern Asia, Europe, and Central Asia are also among the least affected.

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