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Gravity Fundamental Forces Newton Cavendish Examples Whiteboards.

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1 Gravity Fundamental Forces Newton Cavendish Examples Whiteboards

2 Fundamental forces: Gravity Always attractive Very weak Acts on all mass Electro-Magnetic Attracts/repels Fairly strong (demo) Acts on charged particles Fundamental forces: Weak Nuclear Explains certain decays Acts in the nucleus Strong Nuclear Binds Nucleons Very strong Very short range TOC

3 Neutrons glue massive nuclei Why there are not an infinite number of elements

4 Newton: Apple falls on his head? Newton knows four things: Distance apple is from the earth’s center Distance it falls in a second Distance the moon is from the earth’s center Distance it “falls” in a second TOC 1643-1727 He concludes there is an inverse square relationship: F  1 / r 2

5 Newton: His law of universal gravitation so far: F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 TOC 1643-1727 r m1m1 m2m2 r = Center to center distance m 1 = One of the masses m 2 = The other mass G = Universal gravitation constant What to use for G?

6 Cavendish Determines the value of G in 1798 F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 TOC Measures F, both masses, and r G = 6.67 x 10 -11 Nm 2 /kg 2 (units cancel)

7 F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 TOC r m1m1 m2m2 r = Center to center distance m 1 = One of the masses m 2 = The other mass G = G = 6.67 x 10 -11 Nm 2 /kg 2 Example 1 - Find the force of gravity between a.756 kg stapler, and a.341 kg marker that is 1.75 m away? Example 2 - What is the force of gravity between a 1.0 kg mass, and the earth? (r = 6.38 x 10 6 m, m earth = 5.98 x 10 24 kg) (check use of scientific notation) Sheet of everything - masses, radii, period of a day

8 Whiteboards: Gravity 11 | 2 | 3 | 4234 TOC

9 What is the force of gravity between a 5.2 kg shot and a 250. kg wrecking ball whose centers are 2.45 m distant? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 1.44 x 10 -8 N W

10 Another shot is 1.45 m from the center of a 250. kg wrecking ball and experiences a force of 1.55 x 10 -7 N, what is the mass of the shot? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 19.5 kg W

11 What distance from the center of a 512 kg wrecking ball must a 4.5 kg bowling ball be to experience a force of 1.13 x 10 -9 N? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 11.7 m W

12 The moon has a mass of 7.36 x 10 22 kg, and a radius of 1.74 x 10 6 m. What does a 34.2 kg mass weight on the surface? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 55.5 N W

13 The moon has a mass of 7.36 x 10 22 kg, and a radius of 1.74 x 10 6 m. What mass weighs 25 N on its surface? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 15 kg W

14 The moon has a mass of 7.36 x 10 22 kg, and a radius of 1.74 x 10 6 m. At what distance from the moon’s center would a 43 kg mass weigh 25 N? F = Gm 1 m 2 r 2 2.9 x 10 6 m W

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