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  SAT Question of the Day SAT Question of the Day September 10, 2012.

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2   SAT Question of the Day SAT Question of the Day September 10, 2012

3   How would you describe life at the end of the 19 th /beginning of the 20 th Centuries? Do Now

4   What can you tell me about it?  Some living with great with and some living in extreme poverty  Monopolies  Businesses taking advantage of labor force  Corruption in government Remember the Gilded Age?

5   Movement whose goal was to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life.  Progressives wanted the US gov’t to make progress by reforming society’s problems Progressivism

6   Poor Housing Areas  Transportation Issues  Unsafe Drinking Water  Poor Sanitation Standards  Excessive Crime  Fire Hazards Problems Facing Urban Areas

7   Jacob Riis  Photographer  Muckraking How the Other Half Lives







14   Housing Options:  Buy house on outskirts of town (tough commute)  Rent cramped room in urban center  Row houses develop:  Single family homes that share a wall  Tenements become common:  Overcrowded apartment buildings Housing

15   NYC attempts Reform  Minimum plumbing and ventilation  Landlords add airshafts  Dumbbell Apartments  Every room has a window  Tenants dump trash between buildings Attempts to Reform


17   No easy way to get to work  Mass Transit develops  Move large numbers of people  1873: Street cars in San Francisco  1897: Electric subways in Boston Transportation

18   Drinking water usually unsafe  NY & Cleveland built public waterworks  Most still didn’t have indoor plumbing  Water allowed spread of disease  Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Dysentery  1870’s: Cities begin using water filtration  1908: Cities begin chlorinating water Water Problems

19   Drinking water usually unsafe  NY & Cleveland built public waterworks  Most still didn’t have indoor plumbing  Water allowed spread of disease  Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Dysentery  1870’s: Cities begin using water filtration  1908: Cities begin chlorinating water Water Problems

20   Open sewers ran along sides of streets  Horse manure piled up on streets  Factories sent dangerous chemicals into air  Garbage dumped on streets  No garbage trucks  Pigs  1900: Underground sewer lines developed Sanitation Problems


22   As population increased, crime increased  NYC, 1844  First full time police force  Other cities followed  Too small to impact crime Crime

23   Contstant danger  No water supply  Wooden buildings  Candles and kerosene heaters  Fires spread quickly and were deadly  Cities turned to brick & stone buildings  Cincinatti, OH  First full time fire department Fire


25   Not a unified movement  Different people/groups had different goals  Each movement had at least one of the following goals  Promoting social welfare  Promoting moral improvement  Economic reform  Creating and supporting efficiency Progressivism

26   Make life better for those negatively affected by industrialization  Help the poor  YMCA*  Salvation Army*  Slum brigades taught hard work and temperance  Florence Kelly  Illinois Factory Act - 1893 Social Welfare

27   Many felt that the PEOPLE needed to change, not the workplace.  This would be the key to helping poor people Moral Improvement Carrie Nation

28  Total Alcohol Consumed

29   Prohibition  Banning of alcoholic beverages  Anti-Saloon League*  Women’s Christian Temperance Union*  Went into bars and preached  Became very popular, particularly among women  Grew to a national group of 245,000 members by 1911  Largest Women’s group in US History(at that time) Moral Improvement

30  What is going on in these pictures?

31  Describe this photo


33  From 1900-1917, half of the states prohibit the sale, production, and use of alcohol. Many individual towns do the same Do you Think the WCTU was successful?

34  Why was prohibition appealing to so many women? How do you think immigrants felt about the prohibition movements?

35   More than just “anti booze”  Opened kindergartens for immigrants  Visited inmates in prisons & asylums  Worked for suffrage  Impact of the WCTU  Expanded the public role of women, justifying giving them voting rights (but that doesn’t happen yet) WCTU con’t

36  “I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.” Economic Reform

37   Panic of 1893 (this SHOULD be review…)  15,000 businesses & 500 banks closed  3 million lost their jobs  20% of workforce was unemployed  Made some Americans question capitalism  What IS capitalism?  Many embraced socialism Economic Reform

38   Eugene V. Debs  Founds American Socialist Party* in 1901  Ordinary people had no power against the government and big business.  Most progressives did not join his party, but agreed with some of what he said  Big business DID get favorable treatment from government, but they also ______________________ Economic Reform

39   Muckrakers  Journalists who exposed corruption  How do you think they contributed to reform movements? Economic Reform


41   Cities were controlled by political leaders  Tammany Hall in NYC  Reformers wanted to make gov’t more responsible  Some mayors made changes to taxes, public transportation, corruption, unemployemnt assistance, parks, schools Cleaning up Local Gov’t

42   Some Governors wanted change  Robert LaFollette (WI)*  Regulated big business  Protecting Child Workers  Why hire children?  National Child Labor Committee*  Investigated child labor conditions  Supported by labor unions  Eventually, child labor band & max hours set in nearly every state Reform at the State Level






48   Limiting hours  Muller v. Oregon*  Limited workday for women to 10 hours  What happens if you get hurt on the job?  Workers compensation Reform at the State Level

49   Oregon leads the way  Initiative  A bill that comes from the people, not lawmakers  Citizens vote on the initiative. This is called a referendum  Recall  Voters can remove public officials by making them have another election.  20 states have at least ONE of these procedures by 1920 Reforming Elections

50   Old way of choosing candidates = Politicians nominated their friends/allies  1899, MN has the people choose candidates (direct primary election)  By 1915, 2/3 of states have this process Primary Elections

51   What is a Senator?  Who are YOUR 2 Senators?  Frank Lautenberg & Robert Menendez  Before 1913  You vote for state legislators, and they choose Senators  What is bad about this?  Who are the Senators REALLY working for?  1917, 17 th Amendment passes.  The people now vote for their own Senators Direct Election of Senators

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