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Biocomplexity, Holistic Science, and Further Frontiers.

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Presentation on theme: "Biocomplexity, Holistic Science, and Further Frontiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biocomplexity, Holistic Science, and Further Frontiers

2 Daguerreotype Source: Jewish History Archives

3 Old Medical Drawing Source:

4 US TeraGrid computing network map Source: NCSA

5 Source: Dr. Rita Colwell Cholera

6 Sea Surface Temperature March 1994 Sea Surface Height Anomaly March 1994 Cholera SST Temperature Cholera (%) Cholera in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh Source: B. Lobitz, U.S. NASA, Ames Research Center, Life Sciences Division

7 John Muir Quote “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” John Muir

8 Information Technology

9 Virtual environment Surgery Source: BBC News,

10 Walrus Source: EnVision Vol 18 #2, April-June 2002

11 Source: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center New Technology in Clinical Applications

12 Collage of Oceans Source: Starting Clockwise;

13 Brittle Stars Source: B. Lobitz, NASA, Ames Research Center, Life Sciences Division

14 Brittle Star Microlenses Source: B. Lobitz, NASA, Ames Research Center, Life Sciences Division

15 Collecting River Samples Source: Hans Paerl; courtesy Univ. of North Carolina’s Endeavors magazine

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