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OpenGL Graphics. What Is OpenGL? 1. C-Based graphics framework. 2. Open specification. 3. State machine. 4. Rendering pipeline. 5. A whole load of maths.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenGL Graphics. What Is OpenGL? 1. C-Based graphics framework. 2. Open specification. 3. State machine. 4. Rendering pipeline. 5. A whole load of maths."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenGL Graphics

2 What Is OpenGL? 1. C-Based graphics framework. 2. Open specification. 3. State machine. 4. Rendering pipeline. 5. A whole load of maths.

3 OpenGL Version History OpenGL 1.x - Graphics Courses - Fixed Functionality Pipeline OpenGL 2.x - Fixed Functionality Pipeline - Programmable Pipeline OpenGL 3.x - Programmable Pipeline (Only!)

4 gl.h Most basic, low level API functions. glu.h Functions here are for convienance and use gl.h. glut.h A quick, cross-platform way of drawing to the screen.

5 glew.h Allows easy access to OpenGL extensions. glTools.h A set of convenient functions to get yourself going with the new OpenGL.

6 Open Specification Multiple companies. Multiple platforms. Multiple programming languages.

7 State Machine glEnable() glDisable() glEnableClientState() glDisableClientState() glBegin() glEnd()

8 Rendering Pipeline



11 Maths Geometry Coordinates Vectors Matricies

12 Demo

13 Reading Toby Howard's "Green OpenGL Guide". OpenGL SuperBible 4th Edition OpenGL SuperBible 5th Edition OpenGL Programming Guide

14 Questions?

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