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CHART ROUND As an educational program?. …Chart Round Chart: to follow or record sth carefully and in detail. Round: a regular series of visits.

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Presentation on theme: "CHART ROUND As an educational program?. …Chart Round Chart: to follow or record sth carefully and in detail. Round: a regular series of visits."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHART ROUND As an educational program?

2 …Chart Round Chart: to follow or record sth carefully and in detail. Round: a regular series of visits.

3 …Chart round Educational programs in hospitals are usually based on: Patients Lectures: lecturer's information Documentations

4 … Chart round Why documentation?

5 …Chart Round Why documentation? Legal aspects Giving Information to other health care personnel or learners. Financial: cost evaluation,insurrance support Training,research treatment, follow- up Data source Evaluation,aproval Performance improvement

6 …Chart round For a proper documentation note to the following points: How to document? What to document? When to document? Who documents?

7 …Chart round To have high quality documentation there should be: Accuracy, accessibility Comprehensiveness Consistency Currency Definition Granularity Precision,relevancy,timeliness

8 …Chart round A teaching program based on hospital charts :to evaluate standards of chart writing The more reliable information, the more valid patient evaluation, follow up, extracted data, AND less legal problems

9 Different learning schedules based on charts

10 Different…. Cost rounds Treatment rounds Prognosis…


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