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LITERARY GENRES Argyle intermediate school. WHAT IS A GENRE?? Genre is just a fancy way of saying “different categories or types of books” such as fiction,

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Presentation on theme: "LITERARY GENRES Argyle intermediate school. WHAT IS A GENRE?? Genre is just a fancy way of saying “different categories or types of books” such as fiction,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LITERARY GENRES Argyle intermediate school

2 WHAT IS A GENRE?? Genre is just a fancy way of saying “different categories or types of books” such as fiction, nonfiction, and biography. Can you think of another type of genre??

3 TODAY WE WILL DISCUSS… Fiction Nonfiction Realistic fiction Historical fiction Fantasy Mystery Science fiction Biography Autobiography

4 NONFICTION This can also be called “informational” material. These types of books provide information that is factual. Nothing is make-believe in these types of materials. More specific examples of this type of genre would be...

5 NONFICTION EXAMPLES Biographies: The story of a real person’s life, written or told by another person. Autobiographies: the story of a real person’s life, written or told by that person.

6 FICTION In this type of work, the author can make up the entire story. Authors can also choose to include factual information in a made-up story.

7 REALISTIC FICTION characters act like real people character tries to solve a problem – family, bullying, friends, growing up, sports, etc. story could happen in real life character’s feelings and behaviors are like real life


9 HISTORICAL FICTION Based on a real event or time period Historical details of setting accurate Characters might have really existed, but the details of their life created Events based on historical fact; details are fictionalized


11 FANTASY Fiction that contains elements that are NOT realistic  Talking animals  Magical powers  Imaginary beings


13 MYSTERY Puzzle to solve; find out who and why Clues or hints are given Realistic setting


15 SCIENCE FICTION Some are based on scientific facts Near or distant future Setting is Earth or a location scientists theorize may exist Believable characters, though some may be strange…aliens, clones


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