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Representative Office, I.R. Iran Iodine Deficiency: A Global Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Representative Office, I.R. Iran Iodine Deficiency: A Global Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Representative Office, I.R. Iran Iodine Deficiency: A Global Challenge

2 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 2 Iodine Deficiency Importance The iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), through their effects on the developing brain, have condemned millions of people to a life of few prospects and continued underdevelopment. On a worldwide basis, iodine deficiency is the single most important preventable cause of brain damage.

3 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 3 Change in the prevalence of the individuals with an insufficient Iodine intake 2003-2006

4 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 4 Summary of IDD Control Status in EMRO Source: Elimination of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, a manual for Health Workers: WHO, 2006

5 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 5 Recommended WHO Partners for a Successful Programme Government ministries (justice, health, industry, agriculture, education, communicationa nd finance); Salt producers, salt importers and distributors, food manufacturers; Concerned civic groups, including consumer associations; Nutrition, food, and medical scientists, and other key opinion makers.

6 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 6 Recent Scenarios on IDD There are fewer countries (47) where IDD is considered to be a public health problem in recent years. Conversely, there is a substantial number of countries (34) where the level of Iodine intake is too high exposing susceptible groups to the risk of Iodine-induced hyper-thyroidism.

7 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 7

8 8 Assessing National IDD Programmes entails Situation Analysis of the country Key Action Plans to sustain IDD elimination in the country Source: Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination: WHO, 2007

9 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 9 Challenges for the future As programmes mature, ensuring their sustainability is critical. Continued and strong government commitment and motivation, with appropriate annual budgetary allocations to maintain the process, are essential to eliminate IDD. The salt industry should have the capacity to implement effective iodization, in particular with regard to compliance with the regulations and monitoring of quality assurance. Source: Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination: WHO, 2007

10 Representative Office, I.R. Iran 10 Challenges for the future Monitoring systems to ensure specified salt iodine content, and coordinated with effective regulation and enforcement. Inclusion of small-scale producers in this process The contribution of iodine from salt used in the food industry should be considered and monitored in the IDD elimination effort. Including salt for animal consumption in the iodization programme and its coverage by legislation in some countries. Availability of iodized salt: identifying areas in which iodized salt is not available and developing market for iodized salt is critical to successful IDD elimination. This process includes creating consumer awareness and demand.

11 Representative Office, I.R. Iran Thank You!

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