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 She was born on March 9, 1964 in Paris  Her children are Hana Magimel, and Raphaël Hallé.  Her parents are Jean-Marie Binoche and Monique Stalens.

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Presentation on theme: " She was born on March 9, 1964 in Paris  Her children are Hana Magimel, and Raphaël Hallé.  Her parents are Jean-Marie Binoche and Monique Stalens."— Presentation transcript:


2  She was born on March 9, 1964 in Paris  Her children are Hana Magimel, and Raphaël Hallé.  Her parents are Jean-Marie Binoche and Monique Stalens  Her sister Marion Stalens is an actress and photographer, she also has a older half-sister of Camille Humeau, born in the late 70's.

3  She has won: Academy Award for Actress in a Supporting Role, Cannes Best Actress Award, César Award for Best Actress, BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, European Film Award for Best Actress, European Film Awards Audience Award for Best Actress

4 o Juliette Binoche is a French actress, artist and dancer. She has appeared in more than 40 feature films, is a published author, and has appeared on stage across the world. o In 2002 she was the highest paid French actress in history. o She is 5' 6" or 1.68 meters

5 Juliette Binoche  Actress Juliette Binoche regrets never marrying. The 43- year-old has been romantically linked to French director Leos Carax and Olivier Martinez - but has yet to tie the knot with any of her partners. She says, "It's not a great regret, but I've always said I'd love to get married. But the opportunity hasn't come along yet." "I have been proposed to four times”. She had son Raphael with deep sea diver Andre Halle and daughter Hana with French actor Benoit Magimel.

6 o She is the highest paid French actress in history o Juliette Binoche, daughter of an actress and a sculptor, was only 23 when she first attracted the attention of international film critics with The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988). o Her grandmother was Polish actress from Czestochowa, named Mlynarczyk.

7 o Her parents divorced when she was four, so she grew up living between each parent and a Catholic boarding school. o Favorite book: "Talking With Angels" by Gitta Mallasz. o Last name is pronounced "Bee-nosh". o She is the first actress to win the European 'Triple Crown': Best Actress at Venice, Berlin and Cannes film festivals for Trois Couleurs Bleu, The English Patient and Copie Conforme respectively. o Had a rate of 800,000 euros a year in 2004. (or 1,056,320 U.S. Dollars)

8 SOURCES CITED: id=miUD1hA9Ih2q0M:&imgrefurl= t&docid=Hi5sba2sumRkiM&imgurl= binoche.jpg&w=240&h=240&ei=aLQKUbvUOafs0QGl14HIAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=239&vpy=179&dur=860&hovh=192&h ovw=192&tx=99&ty=102&sig=100879801722758607587&page=2&tbnh=138&tbnw=139&start=81&nds RPIu20QHquoHwDg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1920&bih=1003 ab&q=how+many+dollars+are+in+800%2C000+euros&oq=how+many+dollars+are+in+800%2C000+euros&gs_l=serp.3...603 73.72967.0.73202. ab.zuHaA1NM1iA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=9c864de92c58acee&biw=1920&bih=1003

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